May 17, 2018 21:25
Today's Bridge: Not a great day for anyone - I botched the opening 4H by misplaying the trump suit. I had K-10-x-x-x-x and dummy had J-8-x, and I couldn't afford to lose more than the ace. I ruffed a diamond in dummy, then played all of the side suits without touching trump, losing the last trick to LHO. He led back a diamond, and I ruffed in my hand, completely blowing it. I needed to win in dummy and lead to my hand, catering for a 2-2 split with the ace on my right, the only layout that would let me win. After that, there were a lot more contracts that didn't make, but I ended with a 2H Dbl that I nearly lost when I took Raymond's double to mean that he had the bulk of the trump. In fact, he had a void, but Dan ruffed one of Raymond's club tricks, allowing me to maintain trump control and throw him in to lead to my trump tenace for the last tricks I needed.