I'm surprisingly tired tonight, but I really want to write

Feb 13, 2018 19:58

Today's Bridge: I teamed up with Nathan against Ryan and Dan, so the play was rather eclectic, to say the least. The hand I declared was S K-x-x-x H x D 9-x C A-Q-10-8-x-x - hardly a hand to bid on at all, but Nathan passed and Dan opened 1S to my right, so I knew we weren't missing a spade fit when I bid 3C. Nathan had S x-x H Q-J-10-x D Q-x-x-x C J-9-4, which was more than I could have hoped for. The lead was a low heart, so I put up the queen, and Dan took the ace and led a low heart back. I tossed a diamond, hoping for developments, and Ryan took the king. At last, he switched to the queen of spades, which ran to my king. I wanted to try to reach the good hearts, but I couldn't afford to give up the king of clubs on top of my other losers, so I exited in spades. Dan took that and led... another heart. Okay, there went my other diamond, and the first actual gain so far. In dummy at last, I ran the nine of clubs to Ryan's king, so the contract was a bust until that heart lead. Ryan tried the last heart, which Dan ruffed with the seven, but it no longer mattered - throwing a spade or a diamond wouldn't have helped him, since he'd still have a spade left and couldn't possibly cover dummy's four of clubs. I overruffed and led a spade, which Ryan ruffed with the five. I just overruffed with the jack and declared the rest on the crossruff.

Today's Work: Waiting for the world's slowest computer to install programs, only to discover that the program that needed to be installed before we started wasn't installed. Gah.
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