Jan 18, 2018 21:23
I had therapy today. As always, I got some things to think about, mainly because my therapist is leaving her practice in a few months. I'll have to decide whether to start with a new therapist (possibly the EMDR therapist, but without the EMDR unless I need it) or just try to work things out on my own for a while. I also finally got an answer of sorts about the billing issue where they sent me a bill indicating that I didn't have insurance coverage. Apparently, whoever was behind the desk for those months didn't do things properly, so the new person said to ignore the bill and wait for a more accurate answer. If I owe anything after that (which is likely), I'll settle up next month.
I also got to start reading The Maze Runner at long last. Finally, a book where nothing makes sense that acknowledges that nothing makes sense and makes that central to the plot.