Nov 23, 2008 12:10
If you've ever had Lara Bars, these taste a lot like those, since the ingredients are pretty much the same.
Approximate ingredients by weight (not volume):
2 parts pitted dates (not chopped dry dates) (2 containers @ 10 oz each)
1 part chopped pecans (12 oz bag, Eileen's)
1 part almond butter (11 oz jar, lightly salted)
Put some dates and some pecans in a food processor with the chopping blade. The pecans help the dates from all sticking together. Chop. Either remove them and add the rest, or just add more, depending on how much you are making.
Add the almond butter and chop some more. It should help everything stick together without becoming too sticky.
Dump it all into a bowl (or just remove the blade from your processor's bowl), form little balls -- they look a lot like cooked meatballs -- and serve. Store covered, possibly in fridge. I just made them for the first time this morning so I'm not sure what will be best.
a) roll balls in cocoa/carob powder;
b) press the whole mix into a pan and cut into bars;
c) add honey to make it a bit stickier, and then roll in coconut flakes, cocoa/carob powder or finely ground nuts or chocolate chips;
d) press a whole almond or pecan half into the middle of slightly flattened balls
Invent your own!