Aug 29, 2008 01:49
I've been doing my best to completely avoid the DNC, despite how much all the Obama fanboys have been raving about it. I mean yeah he can do a good speech and all, but in terms of actually getting people to vote for you, no one gives a shit about what happens at the conventions. It's one big calculated event that actually does very little except get the existing fanboys salivating, making wildly over-the-top assessments of everyone's performance and prematurely declaring victory in a toss-up election. If Obama can't get people in swing states to identify with him, it doesn't matter how popular he is with college kids - they vote Democratic 999:1 anyway. Elections are won with advertising and maybe a little bit with the debates in which Obama will likely get the shit kicked out of him unless the rules lend themselves well to longwinded answers he can turn into speeches about change he's never actually going to define. Because he's all style and no substance which is why I cannot stand him.
Change for the sake of change is stupid. Look at Kevin Rudd, we elected him over in Aus because he wasn't Howard, and he's been utterly shit since day one and done absolutely nothing because he has no actual policy besides what sounds popular at the time. Everyone loved his cute hair and round, Asian-speaking face and rhetoric about economic conservatism, but now he's been in power for more than 9 months and he's done fuckall of any substance. I never really liked him, but I voted for him anyway and while I don't regret it, that's only because Howard was fucking terrible. But we deserve better. Ok, we don't, because you get the government you deserve, but you get the point. The similarities are important.
Of course, I'll avoid the RNC as well, I just don't expect to be hearing about it and how great it was everywhere I go because I'm in California and don't actually hang out with many Republicans. More people should be moderates, then they wouldn't fawn over candidates because they give everyone a warm fuzzy feeling.
But it's hard top avoid it when you're walking down the rich-rich-ness of the Hollywood hills (long story, will explain later) and like every fourth house has Obama's speech blaring loud enough to hear it word for word from the street. I may as well have been in Denver.
K, rant over. Politics is fucked up, etc. Will do a travel update tomorrow, I'm too exhausted from hiking and have to get up and finish taking photos of downtown and USC.