May 30, 2004 22:07
I feel sort of like life has me by the ankles and is shoving me face first into the biggest swirly of my existance. For some reason everything seems really confusing, not miserable .. just incredibly strange.
16 days till we're homeless and still not sure what's going on there. Hopefully something will turn out, it will eventually - I just wonder if it will happen on time. I've put as much effort into finding a place as my work schedual will allow, I promise I'm not just waiting for a house to drop into my lap. The half of my brain that wants to believe in fait tells me maybe I just haven't found the one I'm supposed to move into yet and that's why it hasn't worked out.
I've been watching people walk the plank at Tower Records for the past two weeks. Everyone seems to be moving on to something bigger and better or just nothing at all. Either way it's a straight and narrow path to becoming more sane. I'm just sort of waiting to see what happens with my perspective "store artist" position that I'm sure won't follow through. Depending on how that turns out and what city I end up living in a job hunt may be in order.
It feels like I'm caught in an undertow and I'm just going with it in hopes that I don't resurface purple and bloated. ;)