Usually when I think about vacations and time off, visits to mom in Jersey comes into mind and catching up with the fellas back home. Always a pleasure to see who got themselves tangled up in marriage and who got hit by kids the hardest. It's kind of scary to know that a lot of my classmates in elementary school have a family of their own now, but
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Ah yes, the wine. I was debating seeing about one of those tours they offer, but only if we could find the time without any problems.
Would be good to get out and walk around, Ryuzaki included. Kid needs fresh air, I think.
I agree, he's so pale and always shut in. I'll have to find his shoes though. Can we agree that Ryuzaki probably shouldn't drink though? I'm not sure how his meds would interact with alcohol.
Truthfully, I think the guy needs something to loosen up, but you're right. I don't think a trip to the hospital is what he needs now.
He probably does, but until I know for certain what he's taking I don't want to risk it. I'd be a bad mommy to him if I did that.
If you were my mom, I'd give you points for thinking about having good times in the beginning, if that helps. And I swear, it's not a Freudian concept this time, honest.
If I were your mom we'd both have a really screwed up situation, last I checked I was younger than you! Seriously though, this is the first 'maternal' experience I've ever had, I don't want to fail him like his own mother did.
I know, I know! It's just you in a maternal situation always pops up in my damn mind.
You know, Freud would have had a field day with you. Thankfully, I've always hated Freudian theory. It could be that you're fascinated by the idea of me doing all those maternal motherly things. I could go further, but I left my 'Shrink' hat at home.
I count myself lucky for the mutual hate towards that guy. 'cause of him, I got a stinking F for a paper in my sophomore year of college.
He was far too obsessed with breasts and blaming all his issues on not having a vagina. And really, don't get me started on the whole penis envy bullshit. It's ridiculous.
You won't hear another word out of me about that pervert.
That's the best news I've heard all day.
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