Jun 06, 2012 22:17
Vanity plates and sticker decals. Now that my commute to work is more than 2 minutes and is spent on the highway of many traffic lights, I get the pleasure of observing all sort of random people and their vehicles. Such as the Lexus with the "Liquid Ice" license plate (seriously, it's just water). Or "Fun2Sing". Saw "Prince$$" today too. It seems that 80% of mini vans have the family decal stickers - Mom, Dad, 3 kids, and 6 cats. Random observation, there are a disproportionate number of white passenger vehicles in this state. Why white? I don't get it.
The other day, I was stuck at a red light behind a car with so many random fandom stickers that I actually enjoyed taking the "Geek Test" and seeing how many stickers I could guess. Stickers included: the Tardis from Doctor Who, the Hunger Games Mockingjay pin, the Deathly Hallows, Rebel Alliance, Smaug from The Hobbit, and a few others that I can't remember now.
Then there was the young professional businessman in his suit and tie with the license plate of "FSTNHRD". How is that even legal? Or am I not seeing the completely innocuous version of those letters? Either way, the juxtaposition of man vs the tag made me almost run off the road in a total OMGWTFBBQ moment.
Edit to add: Missing vowels mean everything. I look at FSTNHRD again and think "Oh, maybe that is supposed to be FAST not FIST."