May 13, 2012 13:05
Currently enroute to Albuquerque. A week long Sales Summit for work, a mash-up of suppliers and salesmen. Schedule is jammed until Thursday afternoon, when we all get to have a bit of outdoor fun. I have been working on planning this trip for months and now that it is here, yes, I am excited. I want it to go well and I pray that my shoes do not kill my feet. It is a funny thing to worry about but I will be on my feet a lot and if my shoes fail me - make my feet pinch, blister, or bleed - then I will be miserable the whole time. Hence the big suitcase and several options of footwear (while being professional, trendy, and comfortable, along with knowing if I have any dizziness issues, I have shoes that won't have me wobbling). See, it's a lot to think about, for me at least.
I have never been to Albuquerque before and always look forward to finding myself in a new place. An adventure regardless if I am there for business. To set my eyes on a different state, one that has a different climate and terrain than what I know, makes me smile. Mountains and desert. The only part of the Southwest I have been to is the Pasadena / LA area in CA, and now that I think about it, it's been over 15 years since I was last out there.
The dogs are being boarded at their vet, which I am glad for. They always end up losing a little weight while I am gone but the fact that they gave immediate access to vet care if something happens, that gives me peace of mind. Both dogs are now nine years old and I have lately been having to think about the inevitable. Frodo has another bladder stone that is too large to pass. I keep telling him that he is not an oyster so quit making pearls. Poor thing can't help it. I have him on the proper diet for his type of stone but I found out last week that he was born with a liver issue. It's been getting worse in the last year or so and surgery seems to be the only fix. Anyone who knows me and the history of my dogs will note that I have put a lot of money into them for back surgery. Yes, back surgery for both. But that was when they were 4 years old and those surgeries had helped them 100%. They have doubled their lifespan because of the money spent to fix their backs.
But opting for major surgery now is different and I have a lot to think about when I get back home. I love my dogs, brother & sister dachshund duo, together their whole lives. Even now they are boarded in the same crate. They helped me so much when I moved to Charlotte. I want to do what is best for each of them.