Jul 06, 2008 20:35
I love being at SAHM, however I don't love that I must be strapped for cash. Shawn has a GREAT job at ACC; however I do wish we had more money as a family. It's dishearten when you have a high level of education, and you are doing nothing with it. I am honored to take care of Gabriel at home. It's a privilege and a challenging growth experience for myself and Gabriel. I adore my time with him, and the lessons he teaches me. However, I wish we had more money for Gabriel. Hence, I am thinking about finding a temp. part time job for the rest of the summer, till my ESL night job kicks in at Fall term.
Also, I have begun looking at some wonderful pre-schools for Gabriel.
1. Redeemer Lutheran School
2. Hawthorne Montessori
3. Westside Christian Pre-school.
I love what Redeemer stands for,and their liberal Christian views. They have a relaxed vibe, but still included Christ's impact on our lives.
Thanks for letting me let, my LJ cosmo.
I must remind myself to be patience, and be not afraid to turn the corner..