i sang in the er waiting room at 3 am last night before they put 9 staples in my gushing head. greg was there, he pressed his white shirt on the wound until we got to the er, which was nearby, luckily. erika (who is studying to be a nurse) came with lisa and the other erica and we all drove the few blocks to the er. we had been at my sarah's (my mananger) bday part before hand. then i was riding to a club with greg on bikes when my tire got caught in the railroad tracks (max tracks i should say). i knew immediatly that i was going down. but it took me a minute to realize i hag busted my brain open. there was blood all over the tracks. someone should go take a picture of it today. northrup and 19th. somebody do it. anyway, i took most of these with my camerphone while waiting in the er. i'm pissed that i'm missing work. but i'll be fine. i've got babysitters to make sure i don't get a concusion.