Earth Day / Earth Hour 2009-2010 Goals

Apr 22, 2010 10:21

Last year for Earth Hour, I set 5 goals for myself to attempt to live more environmentally responsible. To read the details as to why I considered these more environmentally responsible see the original post. They were:
1) Learn to cook at least 3 Indian dishes. 
2) Eat more local food. 
3) Become more vocal and active about power saving at work.
4) Carefully consider new purchases.
5) Acting locally.

How did I do?
1) I did make 3 Indian dishes with the help of friends, but the goal was to learn well so I could replace the prepackaged Indian dishes I was using.  So I consider this neither a success or failure.  I did learn the skills to replace some of the prepackaged food, but I didn't routinely execute this.  I am going to try again this upcoming year to do this.
2) I utterly failed at this.  The first few weeks of the Cville Market I went and got stuff, but then my Saturday mornings got taken over by triathlon or marathon training.  I didn't really go out of my way to buy local products besides Jelly that was made on the east coast.  I think this upcoming year will be better since I have helped plant a kitchen garden so it should be super local food.
3) This was also a mix. I was more conscious about my own actions and decreased my printing and power usage. However, I was not vocal about it to others.
4) This was a success. I purchased fewer items and continued to be careful about the packaging of items I did get.
5) Another failure on being vocal.  I did not write any letters to businesses or get involved with any community groups.  To be honest, since I shopped less as part of #4, I wasn't at locations as often to see the doors being open with AC on.

Overall, I feel like this last year I have been consistent on routine actions such as turning off energy vampires and carpooling as often as possible. So I didn't get worse, I just didn't get much better.


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