The Cold

Mar 25, 2012 13:42

Title: The Cold
Pairing/Focus: Jinyoung/Sandeul
Rating: G
Word Count: 781
Summary: Loneliness is easy to have. But you can't wish it away.
Notes/Warnings: Re-edited. Entry to flytothetop (1st challenge)

Jinyoung blows on his palms, rubs them, and claps before making fists and putting them inside his pockets. It’s a vain effort to keep them warm since his gloves already didn’t work. And the weather doesn’t look like it’ll warm up any time soon.
It’s a long walk down the road with nothing but grass and a few trees on the sides. Jinyoung’s empty home waits just as it always had, even when he wasn’t alone.

Isn't alone something he can always be? He smiles at the thought of it. Loneliness seems the most reliable thing on earth.

1. Loneliness is easy to have.
2. It’s there even if you don’t need it.
3. You don’t need to feed it.
4. When it’s gone, you don’t have to miss it.
(5.) But you can’t just wish it away.

Jinyoung’s clothes suddenly seemed heavier. His fists clenched tighter inside the confines of his pockets as if he’s holding on to something precious.

He walks on.

Half a bowl of instant noodles turn cold as night drew near but Junghwan doesn’t bother to close the window that’s only inches to his side. The bareness of the grey walls compliments the frown on his face. He’s given too many smiles outside, he’s afraid he’s running out. And he’s got none of the sincere ones left.

Junghwan gets up from the windowsill and walks across the small room, not towards the table where his dinner sits, but to the garbage bin beside his shoes. He takes out the few bills he’s already paid for, a piece of tissue paper, an empty bottle of BB cream, and the plastic container where his salad breakfast once was. The can’s been emptied, and he doesn’t find what he’s looking for. He puts back the contents one by one, realizing that it’s been months since that picture.

One expects a sigh. But Junghwan purses his lips. There wouldn’t be one here. He washes his hands and returns to the table to finish his dinner.

He closes the window.

Jinyoung reached the sight of his house and notices a figure as he drew nearer. Around ten meters away, he decides to blink. The figure’s gone. Maybe he’s thinking too much. Maybe he’s wishing too much.

That night, Jinyoung hugs the extra pillow beside him on the bed, and pulls the blanket close.

The breakup wasn’t even a bit dramatic. Junghwan caught the other cheating and laughed it off. Both of them admitted to being bored of their relationship, that they felt nothing more, and were still lonely even if they were together. That night, it was decided that they’d end it there. But at least one of them was lying.

Junghwan still laughs by himself when he remembers what happened, and how good his acting skills were at the time.

He wonders how long he can feed off of his own sarcasm as he closes his eyes to sleep.

Voicemail: Hi, Dongwoo here… An indefinite leave just after you became regular? What’s that about? I hope you come back soon. You’re my best man! And I’m still your boss.

The sound of a car maneuvering off the driveway woke Jinyoung up. He looks out the window and sees no one. He blinks and rubs his eyes before taking another look. Nothing but the sunrise in the trees and the cold, icy grass are in view. He waits a few seconds and adjusts to strengthen his senses. No one knocks. He takes his robe and wraps it around his shirt and shorts then he goes for the front door. He opens it and is shocked to see Junghwan, who’s just as surprised. Blood running fast in his veins, he places a hand on the shoulder of the other’s coat as he makes the most desperate expression his tears can cause.

Pathetic, that’s what the whole scene looked like to Junghwan. Eight months into a breakup, the cheater, a crying mess, pleads to have him back. And his case is worse; getting on a taxi on a whim just to see if he still had feelings for the jerk who played him. And he still does. He walks closer to his lover until they’re both inside the cabin, and sticks their foreheads together before kissing.

Phone Call: Hello! Is this Jung Jinyoung? I’m Shin Dongwoo from WM Holdings and we’re pleased to tell you that you were accepted for the job you applied for! I’ll be your team leader. You can start next week after we’ve set up your new workspace. By the way, do you know Lee Junghwan by any chance? You have the same number.


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