BUNRAKU Screen Caps
Posted by
pyroyale at
ohgacktyoudidnt I
I´ve only re-posted this because... You need to see it =.=U
Alerts: We failed dears ToT
These are all from various Josh Hartnett fansites and are screen caps of a video. It appears that somebody uploaded a couple of scenes from Bunraku to
vimeo.com three months ago and nobody found it!
Some Josh Hartnett fans found it about a week ago and after the views started to rapidly increase, the poster of the video set it to private so it can't be viewed anymore (Vimeo runs a system similar to the LJ Friends List so you can specify which users can and can't see your video)
Luckily, some of the Josh fans were able to screencap the video before it disappeared but I'm yet to find one who was able to rip the video :-( I'll keep looking though!
So, GACKT fandom, this was an epic fail on our part I think! Three months and we missed it...
-Nico still shocked-