May 01, 2004 21:06
°± now, you are a part of the game, too. all your personal qualities ±°
°° have been logged and u can't exit untill your death. its game of °°
°° information... someone call it illegal, someone can't agree with it °
°° or tries to deny it, it makes one disappoint, or happy, but cracking °
°° force exist without asking for your opinion. the crime of the most °°
°° enthusiasts is that of curiosity, is that of reversing, is that of °°
°° willing to know 'how it must be'. and they explore... they change °°
°° bytes, they unpack, debug and analyze those 'uncrackable routines' °°
°° you can't even imagine, and it gives them pleasure, it gives them °°
°° knowledge... °°
°° nowdays, many people are envolved into it-related branches of °°
°° industry. lots of ideas and their realizations appear every day. they °
°° make doing specific sums more easier, but software developers want to °
°° get compensation for their 'hard work'. they protect... to the most °
°° of them it seems unbeliveable to share their code, getting experience
° by discussing it, making it better... there is no argue with buying °
° 'really good' apps, their authors never try getting much from it, you °°
°° enjoy support and programm for your money, coz author wants to get °°
°° experience, too. he optimizes it, he wants it work better. we want °°
°° more such authors, less those greedy men, who wants you pay for buggy °°
°° shit never worth seeing. best is open source... individuals of even °°
° cracking groups may go down, but challenge will never end... °°
nevertheless its just a game...
if freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom