It always seems so long.

Nov 04, 2005 23:53

I really don't get that much time to update anymore. My life is pretty busy. I am still working for SWFWMD. I interviewed for a new job a few weeks ago. I am still waiting to find out if i will get that job or not. It was my 1st interview ever. I think it went well not matter if i get it or not.

Things with me and Lester are great. He has been working like crazy this week. But he seems to be happier working with Mike. We went to Gavaween last weekend. It was fun but there was way to many people there. And the club prices were outrageous. But we still had some fun.

Tonight we are hanging out with Erin and Ryan. My cousin was here tonight to. I am going to the bucks game with her on Sunday. We are going to be going the flags for the pre game.

Well i better be going. I need to look up a number.

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