Minuet in G dee da, la dee da, la dee da...

Jul 14, 2006 14:11

*yawn* Dude, I woke up a5 1:15pm and I'm still tired! That can't possibly be healthy o.O Anyways, I'm sleeping over my best friend's, Kaylea's, house in a matter of hours. Then tomorrow, it's her little brother's birthday party. He's turning...4? I think *shrugs* Hmm. Today's one of those days where you feel like you could walk through the pouring rain in your clothes and get your hair all wet and stuff, and then show up some place fancy and important and get in trouble. That's actually some of my post in the Leaky Cauldron on SS o.O Except, Nicole just showed up in the Leaky Cauldron all wet, not somewhere important. >.< *yawns* Maybe I'm still tired because I was cleaning my room at 1:00am and went to bed at 1:30. Hmm. Well, not much to say, so I shall post tomorrow once I get back from the par-tay!

<3 nicoley olley

Quote of the day: "I don't want to go to the World Trade Centers and see Achmed. I don't want to get into a NYC cab and have the driver go 'Ah-la-la-la, where to?'" ~Carlos Mencia, The Mind of Mencia (< greatest show EVAH!)

*Note: I am not racist, and I don't descriminate.
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