lasting memories

Feb 18, 2007 10:01

I spoke to Rachel, Mathew and Mathew and Rachel's mom, Cher, last night. I only would've had to talk to a few more to talk to the whole family! Ha.

Anyhow, it was really nice talking to all of them. I always knew, but realized last night for sure, how much I really miss their family. They were always so accepting of me, and Cher was always like my 2nd mom. She is always there to talk to me or console me when I'm upset. And it makes me so happy to know that they are all so supportive of the next move I'm making in my life.

Which is...I'm moving to Denver. In July. Actually, the end of June. And I'm starting school there in July. I'm really excited about it.

My parents are going to drive their motor home with a trailer attached to put all my stuff in. Then I'm going to drive my car in front of them. We'll probably only need to stop for 1 night, so we'll stay in the motor home. Its funny because I've never stayed in their motor home and the first time I do will be when I'm moving to another state.

I'll be taking Zeppelin with me (my kitty). He and I will be living in some 1 bedroom apt in Denver. I'm very excited.

Anyhow...I've still gotta send in my application for school so they can save me a spot in classes. (I'm pretty much guaranteed to get in.)

I'm much happier now than I have been in a long time. Looking forward to my future is exciting.

And, Rachel and I agreed that during one of my breaks I'll go to KS and stay with her, and then the next break she said she'll come to Denver and stay with me. Yay? I think so.
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