friendz are alm0st as sweet as gettin pussy;)

Sep 06, 2004 18:55

wow i havent updated in forever!.....

aww awesome time this summer it will never be has to be the best summer..cept for the part where we didnt chill wit katie that much...we spent so much time in maine..aww so many memories up there.i met so many people lol-nicole(aww i miss u so much u made that week!!...seth(miss u..prob dont miss me nick(he made this summer we hung out wit him almost everyday we were there) adam(i threw a bottle at him and no 1 will let it go
:( im sorry:-/)kelly(haha ur so funny!! u come up wit very reative dance moves)ashley(u were only up there one weekend i was but ur fun too!!) brian(haha funny kid..nice dance moves.peace out a town..duudododo..uussshha usshaa)steve(he doesnt talk cept wen ur playin cards and kickin his ass ..then hes got a potty mouth:-O.) kevin(I LOVE THIS KID HE IS SO HOTT) chad(MY BUDDY!! even thou he never remembers me..cept for my larengitis) mike(hott..he didnt talk much) dave(hott..then he talks:-/) justin&jimmy(bestest buddies!so much fun wen we hang out wit them)..if i didnt meet all these people my summer would have never been as awesome as it was..haha i member at the beginnin of the summer all the drama that went down but i straightened that out lol..omg so many hott boyz..jersey boyz..nathan..curtain..tim..mike..dave..argh so many more lol..haha fourth of july..i hadda stay there and wait for ther finale..sorry i hadda leave cuz i was laffin so summer will never be forgotten cuz of all those first only jenn knos wat i mean wen i say that haha we even made a mental list in our heads..

lol well lets see wat i have been up to..last time i updated i was gettin ready to go to maine..hmm that was fun..g0od "candy"..till friday:(haha were so stupid..well wat we did is kinda a blurr to me..all i kno is we were called trailer mom came up and i have no ballz..s0rry i didnt wanna walk by her site..she woulda known..hangin out wit justin and jimmy the last 2 nites there..always have fun up there..i member the asses who ruined our last week there cuz they talked about us behind out bakz..haha curtain….losin my charm:(..hey u guyz wanna pla pla play voll voll vollley ball? my names (dont member his name lol) by the way..who cares? lol im n0t playin v0lleyball wit him..can he throw this ball- NO!
too much fun wit "candy" as we call we came home.

s0o then wen we got home we were chillin wit justin and jimmy it was fun..but now its "weird" for god only knos wat cant we all juss be friends lol haha..then we have juss been chillin started:(:( it makes me so sad cuz jenn or laura are in none of my classes and its only me n katie in our lunch
:( this schol year is gunna suck on the acedemic part..but me jenn and katie and laura will juss have to live it up outta wish we all had the same lunch so i could atleast look fowrd to sumtin..the only class i like is childcare..

this weekend jenn spent it at my fun times haah
friday-we walked from the high school to the middle school and my mom picked us up and dropped us off at jennz house cuz she needed to pack and then we juss chilled at her house and watched general hospital and stuff..we juss acted like we always do..then we walked to my house and we got ready to go to the mall..and i drove us to kmart cuz laura was workin and we wanted to visit her!! lol..rite wen we got there she was goin on break we were so xcited we chilled wit her for a lil while then we met up wit jay mark and domenic at the mall but they were only there for like 10 n jenn got bored so we walked to newbury comics and on the way there i got attacked by a dog:(haha it was kinda funny now that i think about it..but at the time i was then we walked of to kmart cuz laura was still workin..and we chilled wit her in kmart for like a half an hour..and i bagged peoples things..i think she got introuble thou..i duno we were sittin outside the store in the taxi..haha and some hott kid drove by and then he was walkin and i went woo woo..and he came and talked to jenn and got her #..and he put it on a dollar bill..i hope he didnt spend it cuz jenn will be gettin a few fone calls huh lol..then we juss went home and watched movies and stuff...
saturday-i hadda work so i was up early..then i hadda go in early so i went into work at 1145 and got out at 7..jon gave me a ride home and picked up jenn..then we got ready and started to walk around and my mom called and she wanted to kno if we wanted to go to the greek festival in lynn so we did..but it was boring cuz there was nuttin to we left and went to wendyz and chillin in the parkin lot and then we came home and juss chilled..
sunday-me n jenn juss chilled around my house then i had drivin lessons at 4 and i drove around wit the really good wen i drive wit him but my mom freaks me out so i do bad wen i drive wit then we came home and my moms friends started to come over and me n jenn were gettin mad cuz our planz were all screwy..finally we ate and then domenic jay and mark came over and we "walked" to the park and played foot ball for a while..then they left and we walked home...wen we got home my mom and her friends were havin wayy to much fun playin so me n jenn went into my room and watched cabin by the lake which is a bad it was kinda weird..then we went to sleep./.
monday- we woke up and juss chilled..jenn left kinda early..and i took a shower and drove to office max to get a calculator.and then i went to a cook out wit my mom it was kinda fun..this kid jonathan was ther and i talked to him for a while but he not very talkative.he let me play wit his fone thou..and then wen it got reall cold he let me wear his sweatshirt..he smellz sooo we left and came home and im gunna watch a movie.. school tomorrow:(

<3much l0ve h0mmiie<3nic0le.x0x0x0x
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