Aug 02, 2004 12:03
well me n jenn and her family left for maine on thursday(july 22) and we came home sunday(august 1)i had a blast the whole week.ok well we got there on thursday and didnt really do nething we just walked around a bit..then friday we hung out in the gazeboo wit nick mike and dave. dave is one of those kids u look at and are like wow hes hott and then he begins to talk and ur like damn i wish he never i really dont remember friday..umm..well saturday we set up our tent on the campsite rite by the water and her uncle chris and aunt jean were campin on t0o. so after we were dun we hung out with the people in the gazeboo again but this time there were new people, seth and nicole, we really didnt hang out wit them thou(not until wednesday). i think adam came up saturday t0o, and we hung out wit him and it was wicked fun..haha we went to the park but got kicked out cuz we are t0o old..haha then sunday people came that d0nt like us s0o we juss chilled ar0und the site and we t0ok a nap which was wicked fun!! we also played basket ball!! wicked fun all the, then monday we didnt d0o much again juss chilled and talked to her uncle chris(hes sucha funny guy!!) her aunt jean and her uncle chris are my favorite in her family. 0on tuesday we left and went to funtown!! it was so much fun all the rides and the games..haha the hott kid that was our stalker..i didnt hate it! then we came home and went walkin around and these weird kids from maine came and talked to us and the hott one had a girlfriend so it was kinda pointless to talk to names were umm dan and matt? mark? i dont kno dan and some 1 wit a M name..and we were sittin there playin cards and the M kid was like watcha do today and i was like went to funtown and hes like thats gay and i was like ur gay and jenn was like wow u juss met the kid and ur being that mean to then we went bak to the tent and it started to rain hard and the tent started to leak so jennz uncle david brought us up to her camper..and we slept there.the next morning we got dressed and everything and we met nicole and seth..well we met seth first he came and played basket ball wit me n jenn and nick..then we met nicole and shes s0o0o0o nice!!:-D hehe we hung out wit her for the whole rest of the week. that nite we danced around the arcade and we had a water balloon fite!! s0o much fun..then the next day which was thursday-we hung out wit nicole and seth at "our special" camp site..haha then seth got t0o c0ol f0r us..haha s0o we went swimmin wit the h0tt b0yz..then we played basketball wit the h0tt b0yz and 2 ugly girls wh0 played in sandals and wit sunglasses on.then we went swimmin again! lol after we went swimmin we showered and got dressed again..and we played bull shit and piles of uhh strawberries its a new game haha..then we were gunna have a water balloon fite but instead we bought water guns instead..haha it was so much fun the water gun was me jenn nicole nick and seth..haha jenn got soaked cuz nick poured 3 water bottles on her..well then nick decided he wanted to change so jenn and nicole and steve went wit him and me n seth stayed behind..well we went and got his shirt and stuff happened..haha then we sat in the gazeboo waiting for everyone to come bak..well they did and then nick and jenn ditched me that i hated it the friday me n jenn and nicole chilled..we went swimmin wit brian..haha gumby POKEY!!some little kid grabbed my boob and then later that nite he did it again and pulled down my pants:-X..haha but we didnt really d0 much haha danced in the arcade...played cards..then later that nite we went to the teen dance and had fun watchin kelly dance was soo then we went bak to the arcade and chiled until like 1030 then me n jenn and nicole and seth went bak to our site.....nicole and jenn walked far up ahead of us so..umm things happened..nothing big thou..then on saturday we juss chilled and played cards..we went to breakfast and sed goodbye to nicole cuz she was leaving:( then we got dressed and stuff..we longued around her trailer because we had been up at 630 that morning to out the tent down..we became paris and nicky hilton cuz we dont like bugz and then we walked around and i whistled to this kid and he turned around and smiled at us then later that day we were sittin on rocks and he waved at us..haha he was soo hott..then we went to the family dance and we went bak to the trailer and juss talked to her mom and her grandmother and then the next morning we had to be up early and we left to come home.we got home at like 130 and i took a shower and my mom took me to see the notebook OMG such a sad but wicked good movie..i was cryin so hard i want to see it again..then we went out to my mom my sister and my grandmother. then we came home i went to sleep and my mopm made me get up early to do stupid chores around her house.:-/ now im juss bored waitin for someone to come on so i can talk to someone...
much love<3nicOle.xoxox