I've always wanted to try the low sugar preserves recipe to see if it holds a truer, more natural fruit flavor, so I decided to make a test jar of strawberry. So far in the canning repetoire I have made salsa and pickled green beans, so it is about time I got around to fruit preserves.
2 cups strawberries
1 oz low sugar pectin
1/2 cup sugar
small amount of distilled water
Pluck off the stems and/or core. Chop finely, measure to 2 cups, add water to fill in the gaps. Add to pot with pectin, bring to a hard boil for 2 minutes. Add sugar, boil for another 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Place lids in a pot, boil for a few minutes. Run glass under HOT tap water to heat it up. Add mix to jars, add lid and ring, boil in water deep enough to cover jar by at least an inch for 15 minutes. Remove from water, allow to cool for 12-24 hours. Check seal and voila, canned preserves.
P.S. Marveen, I need that ketchup recipe for the next canning day! :)