Oct 29, 2005 00:13

Just got back from the Skalloween show. what a clever name. Whoever thought of that should get a lot of money. I don't have any money right now except in my bank account...but if I did...i would for SURE give it to him. or know, it could be a girl. Stop being so sexist.
Everyone is smiling and having fun and being friendly. I love them. They make me sooo happy. They are so fun too. I skanked with some cute guys. I had a good convo with Spencer. I will really miss him SO much. He is one of the coolest guys I've ever met. I would want him so bad if I wasn't too good of friends with him. He is so hot too. leah, him and I talked in Leah's car and I really liked it. I opened myself up to Spencer and told him things. I also told Shannon K things. She told me things. It was really cool. I like my friends. i dont' want to move. Forget moving! I'm staying in Folsom. I love Folsom, it is suchhhh a great town.
The Lags get into your system. ahhhhhh
I love skanking! Corey taught Mariah how to skank and she showed me. I'm glad. I'm glad I know Corey. His band played really well. I hope they make more FAST songs. Those are the best. I had slippers on and they kept falling my feet are gone from people stepping on them. No I lied, they are still on. I'm sorry for lying. SOmetimes I lie about stupid things...and sometimes I make stupid jokes and want to take them back. Or I reveal my true-self to people who just can't take it. I wish people could take it.
I love the smell of "show smoke", it is a totally different smell then other smoke smells. It shouldn't, but it makes me smile. Like, "casino smoke" just smells trashy. And smoke like...on the street smells bad too. But show just reminds me of soooo many fun times. I told these two girls that, and they rolled their eyes at me. Don't roll your eyes at me!! You're the one giving off second-hand smoke. (Second-hand smoke is more toxic, because it burns at a lower temperature) I'm eating Wendy. Wendy. What a crappy name. Sucks for Wendy. Maybe I'll name my kid that...just to piss them off. Nahhhh they wouldn't get the joke. I'll just name them...Uahioe. hhaahahahahahhahahhahahha ijust wrote that out.
i would say sorry for being annoying, but you don't have to read this whoever you are.
i need someone to take my mind off somebody elseeee. Why do I like him so much?! I wish I didn't so this wasn't so hard. i could tell people were getting annoyed I kept talking about him. I didn't mean to...I reaaally couldn't help it.
I should go to bed. I wish it was Saturday so I could watch SNL. I'm just now getting really close to people...and now I have to leave them. I accidently said (about utah), "I'm going to make so many friends down there." I didn't mean that to be conceded. I just... meant it like I'm going to TRY to make friends down there. TRY to be a friend to everyone, and bring people together. i wonder if guys will be different there. maybe cooler? some? hopefully? no probally not.
I love being Mormon. I went up to all the Mormon's and we had a "Mormon high-five" and all yelled that we were happy to be mormon. then somebody came up to us and we were like, "hey you're not mormon! You should be man, it's the greatest!" I hope she didn't get offended. I forget who it was.... but I really do like anyone and everyone, and i don't care what religion they are.
The computer is getting blurry.
I really like birds and i dont' know why. i think I'll buy one. I just love their sounds.
Tyler called me and it made me happy to hear his voice...except he sounded differnt? i don't know why. oh no, I do know why! after I texted him. I hope he doesn't find me annoying. i hope nobody finds me annoying. NO NO NO, I take that back. I don't care if any person walking down the street (what a lame saying! who walks down the street?? they drive. or at least walk on the sidewalk. now that person doesn't get ANY money from MY bank account) thinks I'm annoying. Forget them! (I say forget them in place of f*** them) I only care what my friends think. I hope they still like me and don't think different of me since I danced really hard.
that's me!
haha no I mean that's a dance.
Ok I'm out. I need to leave before i make a fool out of myself. Like on Hunchback of Notre Dome where there's the King of Fools you know? well if you don tknow you should see that. It's a REALLY good movie. I'm stopping myself
Good nighttttt everyone who reads this. Which is like what? 3 people. Well you 3 people, I LOVE YOu!
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