I live a crazy life, here there and all over the place. I'm never in one place for long enough to get too cozy. Life is an amazing game, great things happen, shit happens, in the end all you can do is love it, love who you're with, love everyone you had, and everyone you've still yet to meet. Nothing lasts forever, sometimes it seems like maybe if everything could stay the exact same forever it would be safe and you could be happy just like that for all time. But that's bullshit. Sooner or later you'll want out, want something new, want everything to be totally different. Yes you'll miss people, places, and things. More than anything, its going to be the people. But sometimes you just have to get up and move on. In my case its always a matter of dancing away, nothing moves me through life like love and the music that makes me keep going. When it all comes down to it in the end, someones got to
This is it kids, there's not much else I can say except do the regular shout outs and honestly say right from the very bottom of my little itty bitty heart that I've only stayed for as stupid long as I have because of the people here that I really do love so much.
Dane- my fallen hero, I'll follow you to the end for real and I'll be on your doorstep with roller skates and innovative dance moves asap.
Beybeycakes- I hope you get some soon and its not crooked cause shoot, that's just embarrassing.
Brody- gmama, I fucking love you and your fro. I'm glad we always had each other.
Jared- come find me babe.
Jensen- torture the shit out of Jared for me.
Leigh- you're a beautiful crazy girl.
Shia- I'm always going to love you, always always. Whenever I think about this goodbye moment, my heart screams about not wanting to lose you.
Luke- I don't wish, its just something I don't do. But I wish I had you longer, I wish I'd found you sooner.
I could list people forever, I have so much love for so many people here. I might be around aim a little tonight but other than that just come find me, comments are screened.