(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 15:13

Well, what did I do this weekend? Hmmm...Friday started out to be a good day. Got to the language lab at my German school and worked for 3 1/2 hours. :) Then did a little shopping. Really needed a new winter hat. Olivia and I decided that the one I got last year was really dorky looking on me. Which is funny, because it looked fine last year. I think it's probably because my hair is so much longer. So, I got a cute little crocheted stocking cap for this year. Much better. ;)

However, Friday evening wasn't so hot. I was on the phone with Jonathan and said, "I'm starting to not feel so good, babe". Sure enough, I was coming down with something. By the time I took a hot shower and got to bed, I felt like death warmed over. :( I had to call & cancel swimming lessons the next morning (I teach half a dozen English-speaking kids on Sat morn). Sharon, the coordinator, said "Yeah, you don't sound too good." I think she was glad I wasn't going to be breathing on her kids that day, lol.
By lunch time I was able to be amongst the living again and had lunch with the family. I was supposed to watch the kids that night so Peter & Ximena could go out, but she said if I still felt bad, not to worry about it. But by the evening I was doing ok. A bit of a headache and a cough, but otherwise doing good. So the kids and I had a fun night watching movies. But somewhere between Sat & Sunday night, my voice disappeared! It was slowing leaving at lunch time, even with Ximena's best efforts to help me out. She made me "Erkaltungs Tee" (tea for colds) and had me steam my head over a bowl of hot water and chamomile tincture. That worked for a time, but I think it was just putting off the inevitable. :) I am speaking in whispers today.

In other, happier news, (lol) there is a new au pair in Uster! I met with her for coffee last Monday morning. Her name is Rachel and she is from England. She seems really nice and it will be great to have someone here in town to run out and grab a Coke with or something. (especially since Meredith AND Justina will be headed home in the next couple of weeks :()She came over last night and we rented "In Good Company". She was very understanding of my lack of conversation, lol. We're planning to try to spend a Saturday in Zurich so I can show her around. :)

Well, time to go fix more tea...I have been drinking it by the gallon to keep swallowing as painless as possible. :D ~

P.S. We got our first real snow in Uster today!! Didn't stick, but they were beautiful fluffy flakes. :)
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