Nov 08, 2008 21:45
Even though the South Auckland bloc has barely reported in, I do not see Labour retaining power. The gap is too big to be made up.
My electorate of Christchurch Central is too close to call - this is a very safe Labour seat, and currently the Labour candidate is ahead by 130 votes (53% of the polling booths have reported in). Both Hamilton seats, which typically go with the government, are going with National. And even West Coast Tasman. Seriously, you don't get a bigger Labour stronghold than WC-T and, barring a massive turn around, National have got it - they're 1000 votes ahead with 10 polling booths left to report in - and those 10 are the larger booths, probably around Nelson.
And approximately 4.3% of us voted for NZ First? Now that's scary - Winston may not be gone! How the heck have that many people voted for him - even taken into account the oldies votes that he always gets...