wow can this week get any worse?...

Aug 04, 2004 14:31

Wow it’s only Wednesday and this week has already been horrible. Monday I went to school then came home. Finally got a hold of Irlanda and told her I was going to come over when my dad got home so she was all ‘okay that’s cool.’ So when my dad got home he liked flipped out on me and yelled at me for nothing. Then he like found out I got a C on a test and he flipped even more. I told him C was average but that only made him madder and he gave me a huge lecture and yelled at me more. :( Well I got to Irlanda’s and hung for a bit then called up X and told her to meet us around the block and so she did. She took tons of pictures with her camera phone which she posted and you can see by just clicking that ‘Friends’ link and scrolling down to the pictures. So then I went home and got yelled at more for no reason so I just decided to go to bed. Then yesterday I went to school and when I got out of school my mom had my neighbors van and said that her car wouldn’t start. So she went on and on bitching about it. She had to go to work and some real-estate class so her friend picked her up and i got stuck watching my sister for like a ton of hours which sucked. Then when she came home she yelled at me yet again for nothing because she was mad about her car. Then my dad came home and they jumped it then went to a car place to see what was wrong and it ended up being that battery. So yeah and I hadn't eaten in like a few days and like I didn’t get any food till like 8 last night... it sucked. But that is pussy shit compared to what happened so far today.....

Okay so I go to school and when I got out of school my mom wasn’t there so I asked Danny to use his cell and I called my mom’s cell. She said she was on her way to get me and that the reason she was late was because there was a huge accident at the neighbors house. Well I got in the car and my mom tells me that something exploded in their basement and one of the kids was down there (they have three kids... George, Janet, and Fufu (that’s not his real name)). Okay so Fufu was in the basement and he got burned on his hands chest and on the right side of his face right nest to his eye. They ended up flying him by helicopter to Boston. My mom said she heard one of the cops saying he had third degree burns and maybe worse. So we get home and like they aren’t letting anyone by but they let us in because it was our house. So my mom and I went next-door and I told the mother and father that if they wanted to go to Boston I’d watch the other two kids. So she handed them to me and they came to my house. Then like a while later their mom rang the doorbell and said one of the cops/firemen wanted to talk to her son. The dad ended up going to Boston to see his son. What also sucks is that a bunch of their family just came here and they’re all there too. Now they need to find a place to stay for a few days. And there is like cameras and shit everywhere... so maybe I‘ll be on the news because they like filmed me carrying Janet to my house :/.... And it turned out that a flare was what caused the fire and burns... I just found that out a little while ago. meh well I’m gonna... I’ll post more l8r. Bye bye
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