Why Girls Like Guys
- They always wear your favorite cologne (which happens to be the one that you bought them for their birthday).
- The way they run their fingers through your hair.
- That look they give that makes you just want to die right there and then.
- The way they kiss away your tears.
- The way they get mad when they can’t make your problem go away.
- The way they show off around their friends, even though you know you would still love him even if he missed a basket or two.
- The way they make it their personal mission to ensure that you are never cold.
- That confused look they get on their faces when you are mad at them- guaranteed to make your heart melt and the anger fade away.
- The way they always let you win any game you play together.
- ... And when you point this out to them they pretend not to know what you’re talking about.
- That smile they flash that can make your stomach drop to your feet.
- The way they call to apologize after you had a fight.
- The way they touch and hold you so gently, as if they are afraid they will break you.
- The way they say “I love you.”
- The way they would die before saying “I love you” in front of their friends.
- The way they kiss you.
- The way they kiss you making up from a fight.
- The way they hold you when you are crying.
- The way they think they're your big protector.
- The way they say, “I miss you,” even though they hate to admit it.
- The way you miss everything about them when they are gone.
- The way they comfort you when you have a bad day.
- The way they write you love letters even if they think it is uncool.
- Regardless of whether you love them, hate them, wish they would die, or know that you would die without them... it matters not. Because once they enter your life, whatever you were to the world, they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without even speaking, you know that your own life is consumed by their love. We love them for a million reasons; it is a thing, and indescribable feeling.
yea apparently I like putting random things in this live journal of mine. *oddness*
OH! Me and kate had a nice convo. about our old soccer team... wayyy too many good times to even begin to explain lol. Ha! I took mike's tie today... I thought it went good with my lil getup. In fact, I'm still wearing it lol. Me and demetris decided to start talking again which is cool I guess. We watched a film in health and me and sarah got the biggest kick out of the line 'no balloons, no party' which means 'no condoms, no sex'. Oh and nellie made me this cute lil thing and on it there's cuttouts from magazines articles and there is this one saying from and article whose title is '10 signs you've been single for too long' and it says 'At the grocery store do you find yourself lingering near the cucumbers' Ha I thought is was quite amuzing... hopefully tomorrow I'm gonan chill with nell and sarah poohz *i miss sarah I haven't seen her in a while (she goes to a diff. school)* She's gonna get her surprise tomorrow which she has no idea what it is lol. Jeff Cabral's (hope I spelled that right) car got searched today cause they thought they saw him with a crack pipe *poor jeff* And everyone had like a mini big picnic at third lunch but stupid baldasshairy yelled at everyone for it... he said we were all blocking the fire exit so I commented to the few people around me that it only means we'd be the first ones to get out and not die. Meh well I'm gonna get going... I have more to say but I'm way too lazy. lol ::~*~::nicole::~*~::
Oh and kate~ 'dead ant' lol
And Sticks~ I'm happy at the moment :) are you?