Oct 22, 2005 22:00
I am bored. I am also very upset. Like I told everyone I was suppost to
go to the movies with Jake, it was going great at first. I call dad and
he said he was on his way. Then Jake called and asked if I could go and
I said yeah. So I took a shower and got ready and everything. I was
waiting on dad and 5 came rolling around and he never showed up. I
started crying. Which pissed me off so bad...gurr... I didn't get to
go, but as of course Jake was there, well I am feeling all kinds of
different things right now. I feel sad, mad, left out, forgotten. My
dad is such a wonderful person forgetting his only child. Thats a man
for you, I guess...but i'll get over it, i guess. well, I really don't
feel like typing now so, I'll update later. Maybe it will be more
interesting and exciting. Until next time. I love you, JAKE! With
everything inside of me!!!