(no subject)

Oct 13, 2010 05:23

This article upset me so much when I read it.

Daniel and I both put Rosalie first, but that doesn't mean we neglect each other in the process. We take turns taking care of her and each other. When I'm taking care of her, he takes care of me, when he takes care of her, I take care of him. In little ways like bringing each other drinks, giving each other breaks, making sure we eat and aren't going crazy...

Neither one of us is any good to her if we're overwhelmed or too tired. Last night I couldn't get the baby to stop crying and after a few hours I started crying too. It was supposed to be his time to sleep, but he knew I needed a break so he came out and took over, even though he had to leave for work 30mins later.

Because I knew he didn't get to sleep last night, I told him to pick up Taco Bell for dinner (his favorite, plus we wouldn't have to cook), and after eating I rushed him to bed. He slept for almost 5 hours before he got up to let me sleep for a few hours and now he's sleeping for another 4 before work.

The only way to make  a marriage work is to work together and compromise. And I'm happy to say since my last bitch fest, he has been helping out a lot.

On nights he cooks dinner, he would take care of her after we eat and Idl do the dishes. He's recently been doing our dinner dishes and what he used to cook, so I can focus on her bottles and what I use to pump. I know he'd prefer it if I cooked and cleaned all the time since he goes to work and brings home a paycheck, but he knows I can't handle all of that while taking care of her and having to pump.

She may need a lot of attention right now, but 18+ years from now, she wont. There's a way to keep all of us happy and healthy so that when she moves out and goes to college, we're still a family.

I feel sorry for that poor man, and that woman's children. Smothering wont help them at all.

daniel, parenting, article, starbuck

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