hay maybe I should update this thing... -rubs chin thoughtfully-
My mum and dad got me the coolest stuff EVAR for V-Day:
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z164/nicoleh262/PosterShirt.jpg ILY, PARENTS. YOU'RE AWESOME. <333333 (I'm actually wearing the shirt right now, lol XD)
I'd like to wish the great BJA a happy belated birthday; hope you enjoyed it, love. :3 Also, I'd like to wish George a happy birthday, except his is on time. 8D Today, actually. I come bearing cake.
http://nicoleh262.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Birthday-Georgie-3-155417200 I informed all of my teachers (minus Rossin; I totally forgot ;.; ) of the event, to the following replies:
Spanish: Oh, George Harrison! You know, I remember back when I was living in Spain, and the Beatles were really big, but I didn't know what they were singing. -begins to fumble over the lyrics of 'Yesterday' in a Spanish accent- (I actually told her in Spanish [/nerd])
Government: The late George Harrison. -sadface-
Biology: Uh, am I supposed to?
Me: No, just a little fun fact for the day. 8DD
Biology: Oh, okay. =3
Larissa: (IDC IF SHE'S NOT A TEACHER, SHE'S COOL ENOUGH TO BE ON THE LIST ASDFDS) -gasp- It's George Harrison's birthday?!
She and I toasted George at lunch with gummy Krabby Patties. 8D I didn't have any jelly babies, and the closest thing I had to gummy bears were those, so yeah. X3