Aug 09, 2010 14:33
so i'm actually supposed to be getting my mom a soda right now, but people are clogging up the tiny room they keep the machines. so i decided to visit you all instead. :D
i'm at my mum's office, WORKING FOR THE MAN. well, kind of. all i have to do is type up certificates and listen to phantom of the opera. actually, that last part's not required, but it helps me stay productive. x3 i'm getting paid $12 an hour, which is really good (above minimum wage, yay!) but the money's likely going to be saved until later in the school year for my one chorus field trip. yes, sadly, i'm only going to get one field trip this year. DD: my county doesn't really have much for an education budget, sadly. -shakes fist at government-
but, anyway, i'm getting off topic, and the room's cleared out now, so i think i'll have to get going. bye everyone!<3
being poor is not as fun as it sounds