.calm.relaxed.will be stressed out next week.

Jun 10, 2005 22:30

i only really signed up for this thing cuz in the future i may want to look back at this stuff...and IF this website is still going..i guess i'll have a place to look? ah wells..if anyone is actually reading this..have fun? haha...i may use codenames for ppl, so u can try to guess who i'm talking about...anyway life has been happier. less homework (as of mid week, before that it was all stress) and juss in general. haha...moratorium (gerzon's code name for him) is less and less a part of my life and weirdly enough, doesnt have such an impact anymore..slowly learning not to compare him to every guy i meet and again weirdly enough, starting to see things that i didnt think or see were there before..but "u never forget ur first crush".. but at least all the wonder, questions and insecurities about moratorium are gone cuz i know the TRUTH. although there will always be a small bit of question with all the pictures and closeness, mike's confusing comments (!!) and the fact we've never REALLY talked about it. ah wells...that's life! haha..and then there's psycho boy (willy's code name for him)..making weird deranged comments. it's weird to think that at one time i actually liked him and he liked me and it would've actually worked. things are so diff now tho...him with his weird comments and stupid behaviour. but sometimes, as stupid as it is...i wonder if it's supposed to be..like maybe i'm being too picky, weird or OVER-ANAL-YZING (gerzon/willy) things..like what if i'm being too picky and picking out all the bad things and forgetting to look at the good (if there is any good). what if me being this way stops me from ever liking anyone else or having a bf? maybe i'll never find the guy i'm looking for..and i'll have to settle for what's in front of me?! haha..OVER-ANAL-YZING again i think...but there's always the future right? if it's meant to be between me and moratorium or me and psycho then things should work out right? somehow by way of God or the fates, if it's meant to be, we'll end up with each other...be it today, tomorrow or the future...what's wrong with me? haha..i sound so pathetic!! haha..but yea that's what 3 hrs of dawson's creek and 3 hours of tagalog sappy chick flicks (WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES) will do to u...

on happier note...summer's coming...actually time to breathe and be happy =). i wanna do so much!! haha..dance lessons!! i wanna learn how to belly dance and not cuz it has anything to do with "sexual" stuff..i think it's cool..and i wanna learn....haha..it's a good way to get cardio!! and then there's ballroom dancing!! i wanna learn!! i know basis of rumba and chacha already...haha..i have my groups slowly forming....mike/sheila, willy/jenine, gezon (if he'll come?!)...it'll be fun!! but now we have to possibly find someone who'll actually let us use their house so we can juss private lesson it...haha...WHO LIVES AT THE BRIDLEPATH?

i'm jumping all over the place i know...but yaa! summer!! today was the last friday of class for gr11...it's so weird!! yes..i get sentimental over the weirdest things! but aww...this year was great and packed with experiences:
-3 sciences in one sem and stressing over the exams with dempsey
-mcmaster bus ride home
-bio updates with marilyn, maria and gerzon
-dissecting the rat, playing with it, trying to pull out its tongue
-ian taking apart my pencil case in religion and bio
-ian singing in religion
-convos in religion with willy and marilyn about m@!^$$@ (wondering if i can even say her name now)
-physics with the "supergroup" of ian, gelo, esteban and me (haha..me doing all the writing and graphs)
-convos with psycho (still have them saved)
-convos about psycho with anyone who would listen
-skating the last day of school @ nathan philipps square
-seeing how many ppl care about me AFTER skating
-3 classes with sheila
-discussing children names with sheila
-rushing DI in 2 weeks (next week it'll be 3 months!)
-DI garage sale
-lovely birthday
-everything and anything with TENNESSEE!!

i think i'm just about ending this thing here..ttyl?! (will write out my tennessee memories sometime soon..so i dont forget them..)
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