Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is
kati_bear single? nope
2) Is
erictheez1 a college student? yes
3) Have you flirted with
jpizzledashizzl? umm ewwwwwwww he is my COUSIN(and i am not from the south)
4) Does
gemink smoke? not to my knowledge
5) What animal does
kati_bear remind you of? a bear
6) What rank would
gemink have in a giant robot army? sargent
7) What comic book character would
kati_bear be? the one that talks about her boyfriend all the time
8) Thoughts on
trickyspoons? funny guy,but why the boone docks?
9) What would
lushylou2u give
04music_junkie for his/her birthday? a fifth of vodka
10) What would
jpizzledashizzl think of
limemelight? he thinks she is fun
11) Is
jpizzledashizzl friends with
generousnjoyful? umm their sister and brother
12) How would
mark1044 conquer the world? by singing chicago showtunes
13) Does
jpizzledashizzl have a crush on
annie257? no
14) Have you ever dated
mark1044? ummmmmm sick that is my cousin
15) When did you last call
realfruitjuices? not sure but i will see her tomm.
16) If
jpizzledashizzl commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? theile(or maybe it is the other way around)
17) What is
mark1044's biggest flaw? that he never calls me
18) Is
trickyspoons dead sexy? umm yeah :)
19) If
trickyspoons was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? robin
20) If
erictheez1 took over the world, who would suffer? menanites(not sure just through it out there)
21) Did
trickyspoons break up with you? hahah no
22) Would
mark1044 and
04music_junkie make a good couple? umm.... well not sure
23) If
gemink and
jpizzledashizzl were spliced together, what would be its name? jpizzlegeminkdashizzl
24) How would
generousnjoyful kill
soopercouture? oh no that would never happen
25) Is
gemink introverted or extroverted? extroverted?
26) What would you do if
jpizzledashizzl died? why would this be a question it is an awful thing to ask! :{
27) What video game does
trickyspoons remind you of? mario bros (- the bro)
28) Is
annie257 your best friend? she has been my friend FOREVER
jpizzledashizzl's hair color? it changes day to day but i am pretty sure it is light brown/blonde for now
30) Are
erictheez1 and
lushylou2u married? hahah um i think kate would be pissed