Dec 13, 2005 22:41
Stupid attendance lady, I'm kinda retarded so of course I have too many absences to go visit my grandpa. OF COURSE. I guess it's okay though, he's considering having the heart surgery now which is a step in the right direction? He's stable, until we can go on Sunday atleast, so I'm thankful for that.
I am quite moody lately, so I appologize if I say something rude, horrendous, completely disgusting, or flatout mean--It's not intentional. I have no explaination for it, so I may as well just appologize and hope that's enough.
Excuse my venting, it will be short and sweet. My sister, is RIDICULOUS. Let's see, aside from stealing my cute new jeweled ipod case, seven jeans, tshirt, and sweatshirt in ONE DAY, she has now decided to cut her hair. How, you ask? OHH just like mine. So to solve this problem, I am getting a haircut. PRONTO. STAT. ASAP. As fast as my car can drive, as soon as gene juarez can get me in. It's sick how I crave those little, practically unnoticable differences. I like being the older sister with the slightly more styled hair, slightly different style, different music preferences, the one who has her license and drives the SUV, the one with the blue-blue eyes, who wears scarves and mittens like there's no tomorrow, and the one who uses stupid words like "mega" and says "aww" entirely too much. Unfortunately, with every day that passes there is a new addition to her beginners scarf collection, a new makeup trick to make her eyes look blue instead of more green, and now the hair. I'm immature, I don't really care. I LOVE being identified as different from her though. ahhhhh!
To make another long venting story shorter, my health occ. teacher has informed us that we have to wear sweatshirts that cover our butts. not like, our sides. but actually are long enough so you CANNOT see any trace of a butt when standing. SICKKKKKK. I think I might just rebel and go to class completely naked one day.
WOW that was one of my moody venting moments. Please, feel free to laugh. I know I will read this tomorrow and probably almost pee my pants. I'm immature, and it's times like these that I just love embracing it. hahaha ohhh god. IM SORRY for the above (complete) entry. It was pointless, but felt good to get out. I am going to bed, I am thoroughly frusterated with school/my sister x10 and will probably have a brain annurism if I'm awake thinking any longer tonight.
BUT I am good other than all that :)
ohhhhh im obsessed with this song. PS.
Sarabeth is scared to death
As she sits, holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake
For someone to take
A girl with no hair to the prom
For, just this morning right there on her pillow
Was the cruelest of any surprise;
And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny.
Sarabeth closes her eyes...
And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares,
And her very first true love was holding her close
And the soft wind is blowing her hair
Its quarter to seven
That boys at the door
And her daddy ushers him in;
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry,
Cause this mornin' where his hair had been
Softly she touches just skin
And they go dancing;
Around and around, without any cares
And her very first true love, is holding her close
And for a moment--she isn't scared