
May 15, 2006 00:58


Where did you take your default pic?:
while I was watching a soccer game at SVSU

What exactly are you wearing right now:

What is your current problem?:
worried about a health issue...

What makes you most happy?: 
singing for God, being with friends

If you could go back in time and change something would you?:
i'm not sure, i dont think so no

Name something obvious about you?:
I am caucasion

Any celeb you would marry? 
not likely

Name someone with the same birthday as you?:
no one that I know of

Do you have a crush on someone?:

Ever sang in front of a large audience?:
for over half of my lifetime

What do you usually order from Starbucks?:
nothing because I have never even been to one!

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?: 
yes, the character Bridget Jones...but the person that told me that was disturbed and wrong

Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?:

Do you speak any other languages?:
a little spanish

What magazines do you read?:

Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo?:

Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?:
my grandpa a long time ago, but we werent extremely close

Do you ever watch MTV?:

What's something that really annoys you?:
inconsistent, fake, and rude people

::::::Chapter 1:::::::::

Middle name: René

Nickname(s): Colie, Nic

Current location: my parents' house in Reed City

Eye color: blue

:::::::::Chapter 2:::::::::::::::

Do you live with your parents:
yeah for the summer

Do you get along with your parents:
yes, most of the time

Are your parents married/separated/divorced:

Do you have any siblings:
yes, 2 older sisters

::::::Chapter 3:::::::::::


Ice cream flavor: 
caramel cone


i dont have a fav?

::::Chapter 4:::::::::
Do You

Sing in the shower:
actually no, rarely

Write on your hand?:
very rarely

Call people back:

Believe in love: 
not in love

Sleep on a certain side of the bed:

Have any bad habits?:
taking 3 hour naps

::::Chapter 5::::::;
Have You Ever

Broken a bone:
oh yes - nose, wrist, and  the same ankle 2 or 3 times

Gotten stitches:

Taken painkillers:
um yeah!

Gone SCUBA diving:

Been stung by a bee:
yeah, when I was in 8th grade and mowing the lawn...

Thrown up in a restaurant:
not that i recall

Been to overnight camp: 

Had detention:

Been sent to the principal's office:
actually yeah

Been called a hoe:
yeah but they didnt mean it

:::::Chaper 6:::::::::

Who/What was the last

Person to call you:
stacie I think

Person you hugged:
my mom

Person you tackled?:
Steph when I first saw her after she came back to Michigan

Thing you touched:
the keyboard.....

Thing you ate: 

Thing you drank: 
ruby red squirt (i had to break my "no-pop" rule for the day)

Thing you said: 
"mm prolly" when my dad asked me "do you think you can pound those keys any harder?" (he wasn't happy)
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