Mar 10, 2005 21:38
Well first day of work is over and done with. Ive had so much information thrown at me in the past few hours its insane. It was fun though, i enjoyed myself, time went by fast. I returned home to smell like a ball of grease and seafood, ick. I have to give credit to Jay for getting me there on time even though he parked across china. (Thank you.) The children who ride the little bus decided to check me out.
Ah, gotta love ms. Dooly. Today i my english class was put into groups to translate Julius Caesar into words we would understand. She truthfully assigned my group to do it in the language of a 'gangster'. I was baffled! Its a shame all of us are far from gangster (cant wait to watch randy bo present this to the class).
Tomorrow is Friday already?! Is anyone else messed up on days?! This week flew bye. Should be a good evening tomorrow.
Morgan, i need to skate. I believe i had a dream about it last night.
Cassie, i love you. Did you like my shirt today?!
Martha, *Cant wait.*
Kayla, Daddy saw you today!
Megan, Its my sarcasm and im sorry if i made him feel like shit.
Lindsey, aww thats so nice you got my water for tomorrow!! <3!
O yeS,
:o Shes a gold digger. What a hoe.