Jul 27, 2005 00:29
Hey u guys,
These last couple of weeks have been sooooo much funnn. I went 2 camp & that was some wat a blast. This past week was soooo much funn. I went to Britainy's house,Tuesday till Thursday. We were suppost to go to the Comedy Club w/ Brad & Frankie, but u have 2 be 17 to get in. Sooooo instead Sean took us to the see "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" & to eat Chinese. They both were cool. I met Sean's friend, TJ, he was pretty cool. They said he liked me. I don't know him that well,yet. Then Britainy came to the cabin & stayed till Monday. Monday was fun.....Brad's mom woke me up & asked me to go to there cabin & wake them up soooo.....I walked over & got Brad & Frankie up. Britainy was still a sleep when I got them up & we walked over to my cabin.Later that day Sean came & got us & we went 2 the bank, Milo's, Burger King, & then to Sean's house. He had a get together. It ended up being us, Lacey, Zach, Shahin, Ci-ci, Frankie, TJ, Jonathon, & his friend, Nick, Brie', Katie, & their friend. It was funnnnnnnnn.Well now I am washing clothes & being bored.
God Bless,
Good Luck,
Love Always,
Nicole Mixon