
Jun 01, 2004 09:48

With Jeanne out of the office for her vacation in Cape Cod, there is nothing to do. With no projects and very few new admissions files, we're pretty much just answering phones and transferring students to the proper people. By this time of year, most of the work with incoming students is out of our hands. I've been debating napping on my desk, but I think Carmina can see me from her office.

This weekend was completely random...
Friday, I went to a party at Kelly's. It was a rare small group which included Cass and Sean in addition to the regular attendees. Oscar especially enjoyed himself. He licked everyone and even took a stand against Max by stealing her bone. Exhausted, he didn't wake up until 8 on Saturday.

Saturday, I spent time on the Schapers deck in my sun-free outfit. Oscar enjoyed this as well, he even had Maris chase him around as he escaped ans bee-lined for Mrs. Maser next door.
Saturday night, Maris, Mike and I went to the pub to visit Maris' friend Jeff. I love spending time with Maris, I adore Mike and Jeff was far more amusing than I remember. It was a really great time. It's nice to switch things up now and again. Plus we had free drinks which can always brighten an evening. I was so glad I went out with them...

Sunday was a whole other bit of craziness involving talking to people I haven't heard from in ages. Specifically, Steve, Doug and Dave. Stories, stories.

Yesterday was quiet. My mom hates me for moving out which is quite stressful. She's taking it as a personal insult when it's really just a matter of space. We've always been so close, I hate to upset her, but I can't live in my little room alone when I can move to my big space at my dads with Oscar. Aye de mi.

On a happier note, I'm plotting a party for June 11th- a bon voyage before I head to Scotland. Everyone is most welcome to come. It should be a lot of fun and a most eclectic mix of people.

I'll post a flyer sometime this week. email me in the meantime if you need directions...

Until then...
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