Nov 20, 2009 16:06
*Today Sherry's work was having sort of like a job fair from 9:00am-12:00pm. You could walk in, drop off your application/resume/references and get interviewed on the spot. Some girl names Kalee interviewed me. She seemed pretty cool. I hope I hear back about that job.
*I also received a phone call about an hour or so ago about an interview at 2:00pm this coming Monday for a position at a childcare center. I hope I hear back about that. That'd be neat!
*I've applied for quite a few other jobs locally. Figured I'd stick the winter out. Then come Spring/Summer I'll make the BIG move. I really just need to save up more money. Doesn't make sense for me to move anywhere when I don't have any money saved up or as much as I should. Goodness I suck!!!! But alas, what can you do. I'd rather have a plan than be homeless.
*I really need to sit down with my mom and figure out my finances. As much as I don't like to let her talk me into things, they're probably the smarter decisions.
*I need to find a one bedroom place around here. Unless, I move in with Megan and her boy (when he gets here from Kentucky). They're looking at getting place by January 1st. She told Liz she'd be out by then. That could possibly help me save money, but I don't know how long that'd last. I mean, I love the girl, she's one of my best friends, but that may get old, and fast. I really enjoy living by myself anyways.
*I'm happy because all the jobs I applied for is somewhere I can actually use my degree. I didn't want to work somewhere that doesn't take talent. Idk, does that make sense?!
*Can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. WOW! How time flies. Then it'll be one month until Christmas. I forgot how much I loved the holidays. I mean, even though I'm stressed, I try to think positive, especially during these times, when you have to be thankful for what it is and who it is, you have. They're are others who have a lot less. Which reminds me, I think my family and I are going to serve food at the mission the day before Thanksgiving. I love giving back; volunteering is something I always try to do in my free time. Plus my brother wants to get more involved and of course, he needs volunteer hours. So it should be a good time!
*Glad it's the weekend! Means more down time, time to hangout with friends. Tomorrow night is a cocktail party at Stein/Keith's casa. Should be a fun time!
*Think I'm going to travel back to Yakima Monday and stay the week, if, of course, my mom will let me. Her and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but it is Thanksgiving this week and I got stuff I gotta do.
*Well, guess that's it. Gonna go. Sean is here. Gonna go be social. Watch Nicholas play CODWD2.