Apr 16, 2009 20:45
Today I.... woke up early, wrote letters and compiled transcript packages, got on the bus and headed to the high school to deliver said packages where I had to navigate through a crowd of 7 bus loads of small children in order to get to the front office, walked to the mall, put my name on the waiting list at H&R, walked around the mall and tried on half off pieces of clothing, tried to help a woman having back pains, finally filed my taxes, grabbed the next bus out of there, went grocery shopping, walked home carrying said groceries, made a super awesome salad with a billion ingredients, had lunch, found out my Dad & Lorie are moving May 1st and checked out pictures of the house, and after that it becomes a blur of yawning, some more food, and lots of transcribing, which I'm still doing... I feel accomplished today.
My hermitting, all work, rarely ever leave the apartment strategy is working surprisingly well overall. Well, maybe not. It kind of makes me anxious and restless. I think today was good because I managed to get some sunshine and some exercise. In any case, let's hope I can sustain a high level of productivity for another week and actually finish off these transcripts! At which point there will be lots of jumping up and down and arm flailing and happy dancing,