Acting Outlaws gif spam ("What have you been smoking? Nothing, sadly. You should see when we do.")

Oct 29, 2010 03:06

One last plug for the Katee & Tricia Variety Show on Ustream, which will only be going on for two more days -- when it happens is really inconsistent, you pretty much have to watch their Twitter updates for chat times. But earlier tonight karate0kat won a free T-shirt for making Katee's mother laugh. :)

I'm pretty much trying to collect EVERY GIF OF THEM IN THE UNIVERSE via Tumblr. Share more if you have them! Disclaimer: None of these were made by me.

(radon_ made that last one especially for me!)


and a bonus screencap...

I'm so jealous of them and their secret gay love epic friendship and their badass motorcycle riding, it's unreal.

(Strikeout is KIDDING. This isn't Supernatural fandom or anything. *cough*)

So, yeah. Two chats left and I'll miss them BOTH, because I'll be at the Rally To Restore Sanity and/or Fear this weekend. Yay! I'm not actually sure what to expect there, but I hear there will be comedy and musical guests and the absence of curb-stomping. Also I will get to meet wemblee!
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