Sorry for the delay in finishing my Dragon Con report and my general inconsistency on LJ lately -- I've been distracted by Big Bang art (and the accompanying stress), theater rehearsal, and more actionable moving-out-of-my-house plans than usual.
I woke up surprisingly early, got some coffee, and waited for the 10:00 "V" panel -- I'm a fan of early morning Sunday panels at D*C, because everyone else is sleeping off a hangover. Minimal line-waiting for great seats! The V panel was originally meant to be Morena Baccarin and Rekha Sharma, but Rekha cancelled at the last minute; others can attest to the sliding scale of WHEEEE to NOOOO text messages from me when they took her name plate away.
Also, something I didn't know is that *before* the first panel of the day, in certain rooms they do some Dragon Con Morning Announcements on the TV channel, so I got to see one. I also got to see one of the Sci-Fi Janitor puppets up close - they were basically the mascots of Dragon Con TV this year, starring in a bunch of sketches (
like this one) that would play on the monitors between panels.
More importantly, FRONT ROW SEAT FOR MORENA. She's just intensely beautiful, oh my god. Here's the full
Flickr photostream of all the pics I took of her. :)))
She actually had some interesting things to say about "V" even though I'm not a big fan of the show. She talked about the conflict of the show being between two mothers (SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES DID IT BETTER *cough* sorry) and their children being pulled onto the opposite sides. Also mentioned how Laura Vandervoort who plays her daughter is almost the same age as her. :( She once tried to bring it up like, "LOL isn't it weird I'm playing your mother?" and she went "I know, we look nothing alike!" (whoosh) Hee.
She can now officially answer that she will eat a rodent on the show. :p
She had to get used to filming in front of a green screen for all the ship scenes. There's just X's marking where they're supposed to be looking, but there's a mock-up on the monitor if they want to go see what it will look like. She has gone through invisible walls and walked off a ledge onto the New York skyline.
It's sometimes hard to bond with the other cast members because she doesn't have many scenes with them. They have get-togethers outside the set so she does get to see them, but she's mostly working with the same V characters and Scott Wolf.
She talked a lot about her scream in the season finale, a.k.a. the moment "V" got kind of awesome for thirty seconds. Really big moment for her after holding everything in for so long. Someone in the audience mentioned their very young child (I think three year old?) had watched that scene and wanted to know about the scream, and if it was because the destroyed eggs were like her babies. She gave a long answer to this, talking at first about how they're not exactly like her children in the same way Lisa is her child, 'cause they have the important mother/daughter relationship and she's being primed to be her heir one day, and part of her growing emotion is that she senses that plan is falling apart. Then some other things I didn't write down... all this ended with her joking that now the audience member had to explain this giant answer to her three-year-old.
She is recognized more now that she's on "V" - between the obvious hair and the ads being everywhere, even if people don't watch the show. There was a funny thing about how it was most annoying on subways in New York, because somebody'll be like !!!! and she says hello... and then she's still trapped on the subway with them in this tiny space, all *awkward silence, averts eyes around* "There was no Plan B" after the person initially recognized her, hee.
She talked about a scene from some episode I didn't see where she was naked, and how that's awkward in front of the crew even with weird nude-sticky contraptions covering her.
She didn't want her character to be really robotic, it plays weirder to have her act sweet and nurturing. She mentioned how she sees the show as an allegory for politicians saying one thing and doing another, and used the hypocrisy of standing for nice values-y things and passing anti-gay marriage laws as an example. <3
Lots of interesting stuff about her hair. She originally did it for a movie and ended up loving it, and her agent fought with her to grow it out because it was doing horribly at auditions.
She mentioned being from Brazil and that she likes hearing from Brazilians who are proud to find out she's from there. Also, she has a young half-brother who's scared of her because of the show.
Someone in the audience pointed out the inconsistency of the Vs ~not having emotions~ even though she smirked a lot and that seems like an emotion. She actually gave a good answer to this, that she's totally aware of that and it's a storytelling thing -- it just wouldn't work onscreen if they were blank-faced all the time -- and something the directors keep telling her to do even though she's like "You realize you're making me feel emotions!" Heh. She'll do different takes and they always use the smirky one.
After that
ivanolix and I just kind of hung outside that room for a while, debating whether we had the energy to go to another Battlestar Galactica panel (and by "we", I mean "I" -- pretty sure the "being remotely interested in listening to those dudes talk" ship had sailed for the two of them already). So we didn't go, which turned out to be the
best decision ever, especially as
greycoupon and
dianora2 started giving me unsettling text message updates, much like the night "Daybreak" aired.
Side note: I was weirdly disappointed that the guy who played Doral cancelled. I am dead serious. I have a PERSONAL GOAL of meeting all the Cylons, plus I wanted to ask him a James Callis-related question. *g*
Eventually that afternoon, we met up with
amidala_thrace outside Starbucks, which was a too-short but very appreciated meeting of a new LJ friend!
Speaking of people... I honestly don't remember what day this was, but I did run into
buckbeakbabie while she was dressed like Betty Draper from "Mad Men" and looking adorable. :D
So then I ducked out to go to the Eureka panel... which had a LINE OUTSIDE THE DOOR, because apparently "Eureka" is a big thing now?
asta77 and co. snuck me into the line. I was pretty surprised, to be honest. Again the panelists were Colin Ferguson (Carter), Erica Cerra (Jo), and Neil Grayston (Fargo).
I think we all noticed it was one of those Q&As where too many people were asking the actors questions that are more suited for the *writers* to answer, you know? How did you guys get the idea for so-and-so? WHEN THEY READ IT IN THE SCRIPT, Y'ALL. But it was still a very, very fun panel.
I was too busy in the question line to get a photo of this, but there was a very energetic story of how Neil twisted his foot 180 degrees (and can still do it) while doing a stunt jumping into a car. They left the table and reenacted the event with Colin playing the car door and Neil hopping over him. Hee.
For me the most memorable/revelatory thing of this panel was that Colin Ferguson is a big geek over the "Dr. Horrible" musical. *g* Felicia Day will be guesting on the show soon and he would annoy her singing "Laundry Day" and such. Of course the other panelists and audience started encouraging him to sing, and after some LOL WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME hesitation, he sang the first line of Penny's song. ("He's the story of a girl who grew up lost and lonely...") Heee.
At some point there was a joke about how Colin gets mistaken for Mike Rowe (of Dirty Jobs),
Mark Valley, and
Joel Gretsch and they should all do a show together.
I think it was
karate0kat on my flist who was talking about the upcoming show "Three Inches" on Syfy... Neil Grayston gave a plug for it as he'd seen the script and was really excited about it. (In answer to one of those "what other shows do you like?" questions.)
I had my inevitable geeky moment asking them what it was like having James Callis on the show this season. (A couple of cheers from BSG fans in the audience, yay.) No earth-shattering revelations or anything - they all said what a nice guy he is, and that he brought presents for everyone on his last day on set. :) "Which confused the hell out of me," added Colin grinning, not having people do that before. And unfortunately this caused them to backtrack a little upon realizing it wasn't a widely-known thing that he had a 'last' episode since it hadn't aired yet... tried to play it off as the last episode of the season or something. Eep. EUREKA SPOILERS, STILL SERIOUS BUSINESS.
I thought it was interesting that Colin and Erica both talked very candidly about being uncomfortable watching themselves on TV. Joking at first about yeah, they love themselves, Colin has mirrors all over his house, etc. but more seriously admitted seeing their scenes puts them in a weird self-conscious mental space.
(The thing on Erica Cerra's arm was apperantly the other two doodling 'tattoos' on her the previous night.)
They announced that the show had been picked up for a fifth season and they're planning to be at next year's Dragon Con.
They talked about Neil Grayston doing the voice of SARAH the house robot. I haven't been watching the show that long, so I didn't catch if this was a joke they made on the show or just behind the scenes, but Neil's idea is that it actually is Fargo doing a woman's voice. This amuses me more than it should. This also launched a running joke that Erica couldn't do the voice (as the writers originally assumed she would) because her voice is deeper than Carter's.
Erica talked about how the original idea for Jo was to have very short hair, and possibly even an eyepatch or a scar, playing up her being unpretty. It was softened to her just not wearing makeup in the beginning.
In my last entry I mentioned the person who corrected Warehouse 13's Saul Rubinek about the date of his anniversary. But for me the Creepiest Fan title of the weekend goes to the guy who (1) made an allusion to naked footage of Erica Cerra from the recently aired episode (shower scene), and then (2) 'subtly' asked her to take her top off. It was a one-two punch of Do Not Want! She laughed it off and all, but seriously. EW.
They were so talkative they went a few minutes beyond their time limit and someone had to run out to the stage to whisper to Colin that he had to go get his flight. He still ran back on for an extra goodbye, after Erica joked that she still wanted to ask him the question she got the day before about her 'diva' behavior.
I was basically done for panels at this point. I do feel like I should comment on the two actresses storming out on their panels this year, though I wasn't there for either one. The first was Denise Crosby of Star Trek, the second Claudia Christian of Babylon 5. My connection to the latter is that I actually saw Claudia Christian outside the hotel just after it happened and we were obliviously wondering if she was running late or something. (Note: I recognized her because she's still BILL HAVERCHUCK'S MOM to me.) For those interested, she gave her own explanation/justification for the thing on Facebook. See, to me the program book clearly said it was her and Jason Carter talking about their show, but apparently she was told (or somehow got the impression) that she would have the first half hour to talk about her new projects and he would have the second half hour. So she was pissed off that he came out during "her" time and was being chatty and obnoxious on top of it.
On a more personal note, I was getting randomly flu-ish by this point, a mild sore throat that grew worse as the day went on. So unfortunately the rest of the con was not so fun for me... I did soldier through dinner at Pacific Rim, but eventually just went back to the room to sleep and try not to throw up.
The next morning I was feeling slightly better but not by much. I got some coffee with
emmiere and
frolicndetour, who had her laptop out to finish a response paper that was due at noon. (ON LABOR DAY! Can you believe it?!)
I should mention that at the walk of fame I ran into
buckbeakbabie and
ginny4harry one last time, and unfortunately they caught me in a lingering state of raaaage over the Aaron Douglas thing, so I might have expressed some... slight bitterness over his crazy-person comments and my disappointment that my friends and I did *not* get to confront him with civil politeness before he left. But since they weren't really on the same page of that, somehow this quickly took a detour into Tory's Death Justified: Yes/No? territory, and eventually poor
ginny4harry was like SO HEY ABOUT THAT JAMES CALLIS, CAN WE PLEASE STEER THE CONVERSATION BACK TO HOW AWESOME HE IS. Heh. Sorry about that. *blush* I was sick and did not have a lot of sleep, okay?!
They weren't taking pictures, but I got autographs from Eddie McClintock, Saul Rubinek, and Michelle Forbes. It was with Eddie that I had my ONLY awkward fangirl-distraction moment of the weekend -- when he asked where I was from and I said "Nicole" before catching myself and saying "New York". *facepalm* YOU FAIL, BRAIN. God. But still, he was exceptionally sweet and friendly, I'd say one of the nicest actor encounters I had on this trip. Definitely chatting up everyone who came over, asking if I'd just come today or been there all weekend, what other stuff I've been doing, etc. :) Also his handler mentioned some kind of special "Warehouse 13" con they were planning in Toronto with visits to the set and stuff. Which sounded almost tempting in a "Nicole, you crazy" way.
With my hair rapidly deteriorating from THE PLAGUE, I got some pictures with a very smiley William B. Davis (Cigarette-Smoking Man from "The X Files"), Kristin Bauer (Pam from "True Blood", who is rapidly becoming the only character on that show I don't hate watching), and Dean Stockwell (of Quantum Leap and BSG fame).
I've already told the amazing story of
Dean Stockwell singing Lady Gaga. So there was that. XD
After saying goodbye to anyone who was around to say goodbye to, I headed back to the room for my bags, but I was like "Well, I've got a few minutes to kill, let's hang out." And somewhere between discussing... I dunno. Vids and
frolicndetour's Athena fic and what we feel are the positive aspects of RDM's ~not having a plan~, which definitely included the Final Five retcon and Kara/Sam, and possibly includes Gaius getting Redemption Arc. (The latter is something that only I seem to believe was a flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants and actor-driven thing. Which is interesting! And it means I may have to write some kind of poll and meta on this!)
ANYWAY I managed to leave late for the airport and miss my flight. (In that worst way of flight-missing, when it's still 30-40 minutes before takeoff, so you know, THE PLANE IS STILL THERE, they just don't want to put any more suitcases on it.) Luckily for me, there was another one taking off within an hour and a half.
So that was the anti-climactic end of Dragon Con! I hope you've enjoyed my sporadic and way-too-late reports. I have one more costume picspam to post in a couple of minutes...
Next weekend, Katee and Tricia. DYING YOU GUYS, I'M DYING.