Jan 01, 2002 14:20
Happy New Year everyone! :) I had a pretty good new year's eve...didn't do a whole lot though. Ashley and I were thinking of going over to Mike's house for new years cuz he was having a party, then coming back to my house for the rest of the night, but those plans got canceled. Ashley's parents wouldn't let her go anywhere because of all the supposed drunk drivers that would kill her if she was out on the road after 5. Riiiiiiiiight. Instead Jessica and Bob came over about 9. We just hung out, watched tv. Jess had to leave at 10:30 cuz she had to go downtown for some conference thing, so she didn't even get to watch the ball drop with us. All in all it was a pretty slow night, but we had fun. :) We watched the ball drop at midnight...yup. Then we had CNN on and I was half watching those little news headlines that run across the bottom of the screen, and I saw the last part of one that said "becomes a condiment when heated up." What the heck? lol. Bob didn't see the beginning of the news thingy either, so we were sitting there trying to figre out what could become a condiment when heated up, lol. Like what, liquid tomato juice that becomes ketchup when it's heated? haha. We decided to sit there watching the little news captions until that one came back around, but of course CNN had about a million. They kept putting on little things about a church burning Harry Potter books and sailors raising a foil ball with lights for new years eve. Like that's really important news...though I guess the condiment thingy wasn't all that important either, lol. But anyway, finally it got back around to where the condiment news thing should of been, and all the sudden they cut to a commercial. We were like nooooooo, cuz we'd been sitting there for 15 minutes waiting for it to come back around. And then CNN came back on, and of course we'd missed the condiment news, so we had to sit there for another 15 minutes, haha. We did finally see it though...it was something about a new sandwich wrap stuff that becomes a condiment when heated up....uh huh....Then we watched all those little dating shows like Blind Date/Elimidate/5th Wheel/DisMissed. lol, it was like an all night marathon of those shows. We were just laying there laughing soooooooooo hard, making fun of all the idiots who go on some of those shows. Like the girls who call each other hoes and sluts, then they do the exact same things, lol. Bob left about 6 this morning, there was nothing funny left to watch by then anyway. I was getting tired anyway, so I went to bed. I only slept til noon though. :( When I got up my dad started laughing at me and was like "You guys laughing kept me up half the night, what you were watching couldn't have been that funny." Actually, it was...it was hilarious. :) Anyway, I don't know what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day. Prolly nothing....it's not like anythings open today. Maybe I'll go watch a movie now, byebye.