Chinese Commercial Correspondence

Dec 18, 2016 06:22

Chinese Commercial Correspondence Community
Welcome to Chinese Commercial Correspondence Community!

This community is created for the Chinese language teachers and learners.
The main idea of this community is to share ideas how to teach and learn Chinese commercial, marketing and financial correspondence and terms for the needs of practical business and international trading relations.
Everyone is welcomed to share online learning resources, textbooks, opinions.

market, group, numerals, write, textbooks, decomposition, structural, finance, subtraction, e-mails, top, numbers, foreign, english-chinese, contracts, self-help, commerce, beginner, course, working, advanced, languages, sales, education, mandarin, communities, modern, character, division, intermediate, self-study, courses, correspondence, operations, relations, self-learning, level, business, study, book, how, addition, work, china, radicals, international, arithmetic, university, beginners, colleges, distance, learning, trading, marketing, community, radical, between, speaking, selling, us, multiplication, consumer, dictionary, tips, analysis, financial, chinese, email, dictionaries, commercial, speak, e-mail, universities, trade, contract, college, emails, sell, self-learn, textbook, chinese-english, language, letter, groups, letters, number, learn

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