it seems like lots has changed. you seem mostly ok and then really not. i still think of you and fondly. i'm glad you seem to be spinning in ever-decreasing circles around a place you want to be. xx.
am i on a filter? i can't read some of yr entires, but i guess that's up to you.
and then really not I think mostly. I'm glad you're well too with your living with rob in london and everything seeming... well, beautiful?
you're not on the filter - it doesn't automatically add people when I add them as friends - it's mostly boring neurotic stuff about bad love, but I'll add you x
i feel like i've asked to be allowed to dig in the blackest moments of yr heart and i'm a guilty intruder! i'm sorry youre not amazing, far from it. i was interested to know how you have been since i last heard from you and well, i don't know what else to say, i can't really. it's funny, things with me have been beautiful until just this week. i break stuff and then have to fix it and it's painful! lots of things you have written lately make a lot of sense to me. xx.
am i on a filter? i can't read some of yr entires, but i guess that's up to you.
you're not on the filter - it doesn't automatically add people when I add them as friends - it's mostly boring neurotic stuff about bad love, but I'll add you x
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