HBO 24/7 screencaps

Apr 11, 2012 00:59

I am more than ready for the Stanley Cup playoffs to begin. But on this playoff eve, the calm before the storm, have some caps I took from the HBO special on the Penguins and the Capitals. These are mostly from the first episode and are Penguins-heavy but only because I flailed too much every time Ovie was on my screen. :D

Sid in captain mode before a game.

Flower on his knees.

Muppet Geno!

The first of many Sid caps because HBO made me fall in love with his eyes. And his smile. And his general herp-derpyness. <3

The most disgusting thing I've seen in a long while. Meet Sidney Crosby's jock.

Sid is amused by your disgust.


Geno after his "Sid! Look!" moment that launched a thousand ships.

The first appearance of Sid's point streak pedo!stache.

That makes Sid sad, Geno.

See, he's crushed.

Pointing Geno is my favorite Geno. (LIES. ALL GENOS ARE MY FAVORITE.)

I wonder whose nekkid butt that is in the dressing room.

The most adorable thing ever: Dupuis (Duper) with his son and a muppet in a knit hat.

Max Talbot's commitment to mustache excellence is admirable.

Second most adorable thing ever: Sid laughing after he hooked mini Duper.

Talbot dropping the gloves with one of Cooke's kids.

He has no mercy, even if they're small.

HBO lighting is magic. Look at Duper's eyelashes. Swoon.

Sid and Flower are seat buddies on the charter plane, apparently. And always have been.

NGL, I enjoy Flower's soul patch. He's French-Canadian; he pulls it off.

See, Sid agrees with me!

Geno in his button-down and sweater makes me squee for days.

Craigs Adams actually reading a book on the plane (one of only 10 NHL players who voluntarily do so).

And then they LOLed and LOLed. Actually, this huge Sid laugh brought to you by Flower saying that "Max is a douche."

A douche who's often naked, apparently.

Talbot's probably showing Geno some naked pics of himself right now.

Two boys with unfortunate facial hair and my clean-shaven #1 Russian husband.

Sid smiling like the creeper he is after Flower pranks some rookies on the team.

Mmm, Ovie's hair tufts.

And pretty pretty Sasha.

Shirtless Ovie in questionable underwear thanks you for your time.

Hopefully, I'll get it together to post the rest of the screencaps from this special sometime soon. :D

russian husbands, hockey ruins lives

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