FOX News, youtube. Truth about Ossetia and TV - люди в шоке, 8486 комментов

Aug 16, 2008 07:39


О ТВ и FOX news
Это интервью на тв, осетинки, оказавшиеся в Цхинвали под обстрелом.

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За 10 мин количество текстовых комментариев
с 8292 увеличилось до 8486, позднее до 9039, сейчас более 12 тыс.
На начало 17 авг (по Мск) это видео просмотрели 610 398 раз.
Почему именно это? Там нет взрывов, крови и трупов на экране. Нет развалин домов.
Там маленькая девочка 12 лет, проживающая в США попыталась сказать (и сказала) то, что она думает после того, как в Цхинвали (Осетия) ей пришлось прятаться в подвале от артобстрела города грузинскими войсками, много часов... В России за последние дни мы видели и слышали гораздо больше, более эмоциональные рассказы стариков и женщин из Цхинвала... Что в расскзе маленькой девочки так потрясло Запад, вызвало такой резонанс?

примеры комментов (я приведу только несколько):
SLavrentyev (1 day ago)
97johnz (1 day ago)
Honestly, I felt it sad for American people sometimes especially after i watched something like this.
o0PinKFisH0o (1 day ago)
Could you please upload the original video on FileFactory or another sharing website so people can upload it as well?
This video is very important and it must get the best as possible visibility and the more people will upload it, the more it will be visible.
Put a watermark on the vid to say that you are the original poster it will be better ;)

kamesss (25 seconds ago)
Youtube is definitely removing posts and video responses. I have been refreshing this page for the last couple of hours for my own curiosity. There were at least two videos responses, one a self made video from one "big" guy and another a Putin's speech. They both have been deleted. And I didn't forgot to click on the left and right navigation buttons. This is a direct lie and a criminal offence from youtube.
NotAshamed2bWhite (1 day ago)
There is no "grey area" in this war. Georgia attacked Ossetia. Ossetia contains mostly Russian citizens. So Russia attacked Ossetia to drive out the Georgians. Period.
Chefrusski (1 day ago)
i would like to see what usa had done on the place of russia, i.e. when mexico killed like 2000 US-people, you really think usa wouldnt attack? (its true russia over did it, but what the fuck the georgian killed alot of russian people without any reason!!! in my opinion everyone from georgia who had something to do with the command for the attack, is a war criminal and should pay it with his life *electric chair*)
EchelonMonitor (1 day ago)
All the American networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox are presenting the same Bush/Cheney propoganda and Americans think they have a free press?
American "news" says big bully Russia invaded poor little Georgia, when the truth is that Georgia invaded South Ossetia which has been independent of Georgia for 15 years.
95% of the casualties in South Ossetia were civilian. Most South Ossetians are Russian.
Russia had to act to stop Georgians from murdering innocent people in South Ossetia.
IditeLesom (1 day ago)
"Commercial, and 10 seconds left..."
But full 10min interview by Mihail SUCKashvili on the first day of the conflict at CNN, well done.
mw2000 (1 day ago)
Fantastic. People; ON FOX NO LESS, actually speaking the truth. And you can see how hurriedly they want to shut her up. Brilliant. She even says "I know it's not what you want to hear." !!!! They know the propaganda they are fighting.
Never be silent! Never shut up! The truth will out!
stewbumer (1 day ago)
Holy crap, FOX news actually let somebody tell the truth.
For a second anyway, till they cut her off.
Too bad most people just let maistream media bombard them with the lie that Russia invaded, rather than the real story (which is that Russia came to the rescue of South Ossentia)
Vicont10 (1 day ago)
TheTurbinator, do you mean that FOX tries t make Russian guys good and Georgian guys bad?
Than why don't they let girl's aunt speak at first time as long as it needed?
Why did she say "Of course, you don't wanna hear it"?
getplaning (1 day ago)
I'll bet some Fox producers just lost their jobs after THAT went on the air.
Dedu22 (1 day ago)
Doctor Goebbels (That's an arse hole from Hitlers criminal government who stated that Jews and Slavs are second grade nations and should be wiped out, if you don't know) envyouselly smokes while watching this vid. This fellow is definitely trying to work for all the money he got from Langey and White House! Independent Press my ass! 18874 Shame!!!
Oiwe7 (1 day ago)
This guy shot her up. Noone wants to hear the truth in America.
Go on and elect your extrimist MacCain and in a few years he will detonate a Nuclear War
schiwann (1 day ago)
well, fox news gave out some truth, thou may not be what they want...
stupid commentor even could not let the poor girl and auntie finish their words
nmclean1 (1 day ago)
Very funny. Fox "news" anchor caught in a situation off script and doesn't know what to do other than cut to a commercial. Afterwards the best he can muster is "there are gray areas in war". As if the facts weren't the facts and the Georgians started it with an invasion of Ossetia. Russia however, finished it. Neo-cons lose again.
bby70 (1 day ago)
Fux should have let the Aunt speak and tell the truth instead of cutting her off. Oh I'm sure that the commercial was more important you pieces of shit.
Wakeupthesheeple (1 day ago)
That Fox presenter will be sacked very soon. He let the truth come out and Murdoch doesn't allow that! He probably expected a heroic heartwarming story and instead the girl and aunt blame Georgia's government! How off-message is that for the Fox War channel?! I loved how he suddenly had to go to a commercial break, no doubt with a Fox executive screaming in his ear "get this off air!"
yvikhlya (1 day ago)
I am Ukrainian working in USA during last several years. Every day I see tons of lie in the US media about events in former Soviet Republics. Truth is: USA feed disgustiest criminal regimes in Eastern Europe. US polititians are responsible for crimes, ethnic discrimination and genoside of minorities happening there for last 15 years. Shame on liers!
At last Russia began to defend soviet people. It is the first time after break down of Soviet Union I really proud of Russia!
hashmash0 (1 day ago)
i bet that will be the last time they put georgian citizens on the news, next time they will put on actors on that are claming they are georgians lol.
wgadget (1 day ago)
Shit, they spent two minutes talking about how much time was left and doing countdowns.
Shut up and let them talk!
ficote72 (1 day ago)
Incredible!! the reporter don't even ask a question about the fact that all people are been running away to Russia for safety. That's one more reason why fox news stock NWS is going downn and down every day.
Fox News = the desinformation agency, since before Bush took power there is a pentagon operation to control major media, that was one big tool they used to sell the iraqui war to america.
lydiater (1 day ago)
i liked this one: "u don't wanna hear it, i know"
the truth is coming up!
usmcvet66 (1 day ago)
... OOOPS ... Looks like Faux Nooz messed up on allowing the truth of the Georgian neocons to slip out. Note how Smith had to put his spin on it with the last words. Gray area my butt.
That was a brave girl and woman speaking truth to the US audience. Now let those who have ears to hear do so.
swede760 (1 day ago)
Faux News finally airs the truth....albeit unintentionally. Someone will lose their job over this.
lastnymleft (1 day ago)
"Understandably, there are gray areas in war."
HAHAHAHA!! That dickwad, and his higher-ups, just decided to call it gray, because it doesn't suit the Bush Administration to hear that that Georgia is the aggressor here! They couldn't get rid of them quick enough!
Make no doubt about it: these are US-sponsored bombs killing South Ossetians. Georgia IS the aggressor!
Vicont10 (1 day ago)
Laura Tedeeva-Korewiski: "That is Mr. Saakashwili who is agressor..."
Man: "Unfortunately the commercial break will take us if 4 seconds..."
Laura Tedeeva-Korewiski: "Yeah, I know that you don't wanna hear that" ))))
angeland8 (1 day ago)
Whoa! Suddenly we are having a commercial break.
Who forgot to send the girl the scenario?
------ Знаете, что интересно?

Вменяемые люди есть везде...
Но... а если бы этот промах на тв не случился?
Нужен либо скандал, либо огромные горы трупов на ТВ???
Прямой репортаж с места боёв под стрельбу и грохот взрывов?

Смешно мне ожидать, что про-западного, про-американского президента Саакашвили
не будут поддерживать американские сми. Т.е. это вполне понятно и предсказуемо.
Это информационные войны...

Николя Саркози спросили, правомерно ли, что Саакашвили выступает по телевидению на фоне флага Грузии и флага Евросоюза? Ответ был вполне уклончивый...

От себя скажу: Саакашвили можно даже размахивать флагами Евросоюза, США и НАТО...
Кандидат в президенты США даже ляпнул, что теперь "Мы все - грузины!"

имхо... Реальность в том, что мир на пороге Третьей Мировой войны.

Действия Саакашвили можно трактовать с двух позиций:
1. Он действовал с ведома и по прямому указанию США.
2. Он авантюрист, развязал эту войну в расчете на последующее прямое вмешательство США и НАТО, если Россия не промолчит.


Увы, оба варианта - подталкивают к резкому ухудшению взаимоотношений России и Запада. Я искренне считаю, что "несоразмерный ответ России" был вынужденный.
Никаких вариантов дипломатического решения проблемы не оставалось,

Два заседания Совета Безопасности ООН - и без решения! - яркий показатель...
во время шквального, многочасового (9ч?) обстрела Цхинвали.
После неэффективных заседаний - Россия применяет силу.

Про "несоразмерный ответ" - хм... Где там развалины Тбилиси?
Где русские танки в Тбилиси, о которых так орал Саакашвили?
Остались ли памперсы в тамошних аптеках? А эти призывы к Америке и НАТО оказать срочную помощь, "это мы - жертвы!"

Простите, США пора запускать ракеты по просьбе Миши?
Это самый трезвый, уравновешенный и умный политик в мире?
Новости: хм... просмотров 776718
комментов 13 627 (ну, в комментах еще и флуд ура-патриотов)
Знаете, сейчас посмотрел комменты (18.30 по Мск, 17.08.2008)
там есть запись:
"CepheX (9 minutes ago)
This video is no longer available. For US IP address. That is truth of US"

увы, проверить не могу )))
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Я вообще немного растерян... банят ай-пи??? имхо слишком топорно...
Лора Тадеева: нужно было рассказать правду за секунды

war, война

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