Georgia vs Ossetia: Information War?

Aug 09, 2008 16:43

Georgia Attacks South Ossetia - Russia Sending in Troops

This is ugly:
As Georgian troops launched a major military offensive Friday to regain control over the breakaway province of South Ossetia, Russia denounced the move as “aggressive” and vowed to respond.

Russian authorities said several of its peacekeepers died in a Georgian attack in South Ossetia, which borders Russia and has strong ties to its vast northern neighbor, and they vowed not to leave Russian citizens in the territory unprotected.

“The Georgian leadership has launched a dirty adventure,” a statement from Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday. “We will not leave our peacekeepers and Russian citizens unprotected.”

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Georgia started the fighting and warned that Russia would respond to their actions.

“Heavy weapons and artillery have been sent there, and tanks have been added. Deaths and injuries have been reported, including among Russian peacekeepers,” Putin said in comments carried Friday by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

“It’s all very sad and alarming. And, of course, there will be a response.”

Russian troops have been killed:
Numerous” soldiers of the Russian intervention forces in South Ossetia would have been killed when their base was bombed by Georgian artillery during its attack on Tskhinvali, capital of the Georgian rebel autonomous province. A spokesman of the Russian troops said this, quoted by Russian press agency Interfax. Up to now the death toll of the attack was reported to be 3 injured. According to sources in South Ossetia, the Georgian bomb attack would have made at least 15 victims, injuring many more.

According to a recent AP news alert Russian troops are moving into South Ossetia now.
43 Responses to “Georgia Attacks South Ossetia - Russia Sending in Troops”

AndyNYC Says:
August 8th, 2008 at 8:46 am
I wonder when CNN will start providing objective information as right now it looks like CNN shows only Georgian point of view and keep silence about many civilians killed in S.Osetia, several villages leveled and capital Tskhival is destroyed completely. Or it’s ok for Saakashvilli to kill innocent people only because he is very pro-US? It’s very hippocratic and subjective. Shame on you CNN, but other US media are even worth unfortunately.
SJ Says:
August 8th, 2008 at 8:41 am

Russia needs to realize that the soviet era is over and policing small former republics spreads hate toward Russia. Russia is the biggest country in the world and they still want to add more territories to their land.

Answ: to SJ Says:
August 8th, 2008 at 8:54 am
SJ, you should know the whole picture first before accusing Russia of greed for more territory. Georgia starts the war, bombs the cities and suddenly you blame Russia.
LK Says:
August 8th, 2008 at 9:42 am

I am not a supporter of Russian militarism. What i am trying to say
is that every global or local superpower defines the international law as it wishes. So we should judge them with the same criteria and we should try to avoid the fake informations from the media which usually serve their intentions (superpowers). Russia does not try to get a small piece of land with 70000 thousand. Russia tries to control the roads of energy (gas,oil) there. Like West does, which supports Georgia current government.
JC Says:
August 8th, 2008 at 4:35 pm

Here is one website you won’t see on CNN.
It’s hosted by people within South Ossetia

Here is my software translation but if you can read Russian you will see what this guy is trying to do to the US.

“The interview for television channel CCN issued a call the USA to enter the war with South Osetia on the side of Georgia, transfers Reuters. “Now this no longer only affair of Georgia. This is encroachment in America, on its value, he stated. - We - freedom-loving nation, and our freedom now under the impact”.

If you read the one translated page at that URL you will see that unloading a bus of civilians and killing them all is NOT what American values are about. However, I am sure someone will spin it that they were terrorists or 3 year olds that posed a threat with their mini-AKs.

Don’t forget that Bush is trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO. My wife is from Ukraine and reads that about 85% of the population does not want to join NATO. Bush is also playing Ukraine President Yushchenko the same way he is playing the Georgian president. We shall see if Georgia is able to keep blinding the press with these BS stories and get NATO to do something to try to stop Russia.

Putin said he had discussed the crisis with Chinese leaders and with US President George W. Bush. “Everybody agrees - nobody wants to see a war.”

UPD: Один из комментариев американца на статью We helped in Iraq - now help us, beg Georgians From The Times August 11, 2008
John McCain is a senile old man..... If it were up to him we would already be fighting Russia. Let me ask you. When we invaded Iraq for a Regime change, Did Russia, North Korea , China or anybody else attack us ? The answer is NO. Are we going to get sucked into another war ?
mrtutto, Los Angeles, USA
Creation of the Kosovo quasi-state showed that everyone with enough tanks and bombs can change international borders.
Pandora's box is open! Scotland and Northern Ireland get ready!
moler, vancouver,
The situation in S.Ossetia is no different to that in Kosovo, except the US is supporting the opposite side in the conflict. Georgia's attack on Russian Peacekeepers (by association on Russia itself) was reckless. The use of Heavy inaccurate weapons by Georgia against civilian areas was criminal.
Kevin, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Actually Georgians should thank there western friends for the current situation, if they didn't support Kosovo's independence this would not happen.
Stefan, Nis, Serbia

war, война

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