Mar 01, 2010 22:00
1) The Exiles Hilary McKay
2) Peter Duck Arthur Ransome (out loud)
3) Jean of Storms EBD
4) Handle With Care Jodi Picoult
5) Arthur Ransome & Captain Flint's Trunk Christina Hardyment
6) Strangers at Snowfell Malcolm Saville
7) Salem Falls Jodi Picoult
8) A Swarm in May William Mayne
9) The New School & Hilary Winifred Darch
10) Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose Sandy Balfour
11) The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie Alan Bradley
12) The House of the Paladin Violet Needham
13) A Year in Tibet Sun Shuyun
14) Stephen Fry in America
15) The Seven Professors of the Far North John Fardell
16) You're Thinking About Doughnuts Michael Rosen
17) Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Rick Riordan