Oct 10, 2005 15:04
just found out today that if my mum wants to fulfil her dream of moving to turkey and setting up this hotel then we have to sell our house in hw, the house my granny bought before she died, and move away from the village in which my family has lived for the last 40 years, and where i grew up, went to school, where we had our first house when we moved away from daddy, and so on, i really can;t believe it, it's just house prices there are so expensive right now. thing is, mummy really wants this, and i'm not going to kick up a fuss about it, i mean i'll hopefully be off at uni soon. she doesn't want to move either, may be quite exciting, but i have issues when it comes to letting go of houses, my main aim in life is still to buy back the house granny sold so i could come to damn coll. i feel awful that she had to sell it, the house she lived in for 30 years, since she moved up from wales, just so i could come to this stupid school which has ridiculous school fees. hate money.
on a happier note: it's my 18th birthday tomorrow!!